Poor Jase


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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I hve to give Jase lots of cuddles when he gets home.

he has gone to hospital to get his wisdom tooth removed, instead of growing upwards, its growing sideways in to his jaw.

Its been hurting him for weeks but he is finaly having it pulled today, its going to hurt soooooooooo bad :(

Ouch!! I had this done about 4 years ago. The actual op wasn't too bad (if you can ignore the surgeon practically kneeling on my chest!), but it was the next 2 weeks!

Be prepared for Jase to talk with a lisp for a while, and get lots of soup in!! It was all I could manage!! :rotfl:
lol he didnt have it done,

he got there, they numbed his mouth ready but when they went to do it they couldnt, they have to remove more teeth to get to it and they bloke that could do that wasnt there lol

so he has got to back

they are going to send him another apointment through in the next 3 months

it was the hospital doing it, but coz more teeth need to be removed he has to wait for a diffrent guy to do it

oh poor jase, i went to hospital about 15 years ago (bloody hell how old am i) to have one of my wisdom teeth removed but they couldnt do it in the chair so i had to go into the london hospital to have them removed under a general. i am so pleased that i got it done then.
Bloody typical NHS! :roll:

My DH has been waiting over a year for a hospital appointment to remove a wisdom tooth!
Layla said:
it was the hospital doing it, but coz more teeth need to be removed he has to wait for a diffrent guy to do it


Oh no, hope it doesn't cause him too much trouble till then :hug:
Phil had his wisdom tooth pulled about 2 months ago...he didn't go to hospital...just went to the dentist and said he had toothache in it, and the dentist was like "yep, it's knackered, needs pulling." and then proceeded to numb him and pull it out. Well, pulled out what was left of it anyway...it was about 80% hole and 20% tooth lol.
Poor Jase, give him a big :hug: from me and Rebecca. Wisdom teeth are hell! :shock:

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