Poor baby


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2012
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Pointless thread really but just lying in my bed and baby has hiccups- she/he gets them 2 or 3 times a day some days I just feel really sorry for baby as they are so annoying lol! Xxx
Awww don't worry, my baby gets them lots too, it does make you feel sorry for them as we know how annoying they are! Im sure bubs isn't really bothered :)
My lo also gets them a couple of times a day. It always makes me smile though, cause we saw them hiccuping on one of our scans and their whole body bounced up and down with each one, looked likethey were on a trampoline lol, so now I always think it might be fun for them!
My baby is constantly hiccupping, at least twice a day but usually more. I love it, its so cute! I don't think it bothers baby too much but my husband always feels really sorry for her when she's hiccupping lol x
Mines always hiccuping too, I always feel bad for them as I hate getting hiccups myself, I'm sure they aren't bothered in the slightest though!
Ahhhh, Pickle had hiccups this morning at about 4am, as he's now a little fatty they woke me up - he was wriggling away with them, I think he was sleepy and they were disturbing him so I gave his little back a rub, poor little mite.
I've read that they aren't bothered by them at all too xx
Silly feeling sorry for them cause like u all say they're prob not bothered in the slightest lol!!! God I'm going to such a wimp when this baby is here haha I'll need to toughen up lol xxx
Ahhhh, Pickle had hiccups this morning at about 4am, as he's now a little fatty they woke me up - he was wriggling away with them, I think he was sleepy and they were disturbing him so I gave his little back a rub, poor little mite.
I've read that they aren't bothered by them at all too xx
Aww how lovely, i just have a baby that's very restless but no hiccups yet

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