pooing after having a baby

I waited 14 days :rotfl: I have dodgy bowels so I dont go as much as a normal person should. Plus I had 4 enemas at hospital :oops: Horrible :shakehead: So I was completely empty. Still told MW I had been :D
I had Asher on a tuesday evening and had my first poo on the saturday morning, so that's just over 3 days.

I was really worried about it as I was pushing in birth for over 2 hours and had really quite damaged the whole area.

I was prescribed laxative tablets from the hospital as I was also on codeine (which constipates you).

I just sat there and let it come. My mum had had horrible problems pooing after birth as she had been so scared that she held it in, and then it wouldn't come out. So I knew I had to go otherwise it would have been worse.

It was absolutely fine, didn't hurt or anything. Took a little while, but you can't rush or push too much after giving birth anyway.

I did get horribly constipated a few weeks later though (was on iron tablets), and had a very unpleasant incident, which I won't go into now.

I agree with Leckershell though, when I need to go now, I really need to go!

Porridge! Big help, it gets your 'system' moving :wink:

Lots of water, porridge, fruit and laxatives..................don't strain yourself though hun!

It took me up to 2 months, to poo properly, I got so scared at one point, re fused to go lol
i went 2 days after the birth, it wasnt too bad actually again I just let it come in its own time cos didnt want the stitches to burst...

its funny though since giving birth i go more regularly, every day now where as before it was 2-3days
I thought I was really odd...but this thread has given me hope!

Before Evie was born I used to go to the loo twice a week :shock: Since she arrived I go everyday...dunno why :think: and when I need to go I really really need to go! :rotfl: :rotfl: I've had to put the phone down on people cos the feeling came on! :rotfl: :rotfl:

It took me 6 days after the birth to go though. I used a pad to hold everything togther and I bit on a sponge... oddly though it didn't hurt :lol:
well just to let u know the senna worked. the next morning i had a tummy cramp and sat on loo and it fell out :rotfl:

im still scared to push, so going to ask dr for some laxatives.
:shock: :shock: :shock:

OK, it is times like this when I realise why someone in the TTC section should not deviate into the other forums! Changed my mind, will keep my legs crossed afterall! :rotfl:
I pood the day after i had rhiannon. I had 2nd deg tears, i was a bit scared but was fine.
Mind you my poos now are more mushy than b4 :lol: is that normal :think: i put it down to breast feeding tho?
I didn't realise this was so common, I thought it was just me - I went about a week after I'd given birth (I told the midwife I'd been on the third day though!) but I think a lot of why I put it off was because I was scared to push because my muscles were knackered. It did hurt, and it still does now over 2 months later - I also get that thing now where I need to go straight away which never happened before!
5 weeks after giving birth with third degree tear and it really really hurts me every time i go....also my bum bleeds badly every time i go....has anybody else had this or have i a problem that needs a doc? :(
I was scared to do it too and id go into the toilet in stand there cryin and come back out again because i was so afraid but i was the same with peein for a few days cos it was just so sore. But as for pooin i waited until the very last minute and knew there would be no stoppin it. Im sure i was a gd few days before this happend but believe me if u hang on and hang on eventually ul have no choice. Thats wat i did and wen i did do it it wasnt so bad x
I wait until its nearly popping out as it hurts to go so it can be days before I do :) x x
I waited 5 days and had to taken softener and everything I has 2nd degree tear and episiotomy too loads of stitches. I didn't go through complete fright. Xxx
5 weeks after giving birth with third degree tear and it really really hurts me every time i go....also my bum bleeds badly every time i go....has anybody else had this or have i a problem that needs a doc? :(

I had a 3rd degree tear hun and you totally have my sympathy. I had to have lots of laxatives to soften it up to stop the pain. 13 weeks on and everything is fine. Drink plenty of water aswell. If you want something to soften it up, see a doc or give them a ring and explain the pain. Might be worth getting checked if you are bleeding alot xx

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