Polyhydramnios/excess amniotic fluid


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Obviously due to the hacking this topic was lost but i just wanted to say thank you for your reply about your levels which i did see last night. My levels were 10.1cm and i am being rescanned next week, by my dates I'll be nearly full term by then. Are you worried about having this excess fluid? I don't have any of the other symptoms that can sometimes accompany it but the baby will have to have a tube passed down its nose to check the oespophegus (sp) when it's born. My consultant doesn't seem overly worried but he's pretty solemn anyway! not really a people person!!!

hello alfie, i am very worried now about the excess fluid as i am only 36 weeks and if they keep rising like they are :shock: i havnt been told what will or is likely to happen with my baby when born as my levels are 13 at this stage i thought they woud have been more worried too, the scan lady was very good and understood my worries but the consultant i saw this time was more lax about it, they havnt even rescheduled another scan :( to be honest i cant stop crying due to worry and the discomfort, i am only 5 ft tall and my belly is huge and very tight and shiny i also have horrible heartburn and sometimes it affects my breathing making me not able to do much at all
I can imagine how worried you are, i'm worried but i am a lot further along, a lot less fluid and no other symptoms. It could be just that 10cm is normal for me! My tummy isn't overly stretched or shiny. I would demand another scan if i were you. They have an obligation to provide a duty of care to you so make sure they do!!!! Good luck, let me know how you get on

thank you alfie you take care too :hug: i am seeing my regular midwife on tuesday and have decided to try and push them for more info as to what will happen when baby is deliverd ie what checks he may need, i already have blood pressure problems and with this as well i cant understand why they think it would be better to keep him in here past 37 weeks, i feel like i am constantly whinging considering our baby is so desperatly wanted and we struggled to get him at all and all the ladies on ttc board who would do aything to be in my posistion i just dont want anything to go wrong :(

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