I missed the part about your question of natural birth lol
No, kind of, but not really at all lol
My waters went at 38+5, they literally burst but luckily I was on the loo. I was measuring 55 weeks at this point and so miserable, I'm only 5'4" so this was alot to carry around.
I had to go straight to hospital because they needed to check LO was ok, had a few contractions on way. Got there still leaking fluid like a tap but contractions stopped.
Kept me in, cervix was open and waters gone so had to stay because of risk of infection to LO. Waited about 16 hours to see if I would go into labour naturally but didn't happen unfortunately.
Was induced via drip.
the whole time since my waters went LOs heart rate kept dipping and rising again, due to the waters going to quick and fast he wasn't ready to come and it distressed him.
Then with the forced labour it got too much for him. Was in labour for 7 hours when I begged for pain relief, had drip turned off and then epidural put in after 1 hour, slept for 3 hours, then woke to even worse pain as they had turned drip up while I slept
All this was too much for baby, but I got to 10cm and they told me to push, so push I did. For 3 hours. got him to within an inch out and he was wedged. Heart rate dropped seriously while they tried to ventouse him out and it ended in ermergency section.
In the end he got here fine and healthy.
I found out recently when I went to talk to a gynae doctor about it that the labour went this way because of the fluid. It went very quick and was like a tap on for quite a while. I never felt relief like it, but baby was very distressed, I was told it should never have been allowed that I was induced and should have gone straight to section. Which is what I was originally told would happen at 28 weeks when diagnosed, but so many doctors later kept changing their mind!
Anyways, bit long winded there, but it doens't mean that you can't have a natural labour but like they are doing they will monitor you very very closely.
I cannot fault the care they took for my LO to get here safely. The staff at my hospital were fantastic and it all ended well in the end!