Polyhydramnios - excess amniotic fluid


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2011
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Hello all
Has anyone been diagnosed with the above? Im 33 weeks but at a scan last week was told baby is at least 5lbs already & I have an excess of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios). Have been signed off with complete bed rest & am being monitored closely.
I've had a GTT which was clear so it's unlikely to be caused by gestational diabetes.
Has anyone else had this & were your wee ones ok? Did you have natural births?
One of the girls in tri 2 Maria1977 had this with her first LO she might be able to give you some advice hun x

I was polyhydramnios when pregnant with DS. Was diagnosed at 28 weeks, measuring 36 weeks.

Had to be off work from 7 months pregnant and housebound until labour pretty much. Was awful and so depressing. Got to see LO every 2 weeks though with extra scans to monitor fluid so that was good.

They tested me for GD too, but all was well there and baby was normal size when he came out and weighed 8lb 10oz, even though they kept saying he measuring big and weighing loads, it didn't turn out that way~!

when my waters went OMG they went and then it caused a whole stressful labour for me and LO.

If you ever have any questions feel free to pm me. I'm so worried it's going to happen again this time as I feel it's just how my body deals with pregnancy, but fingers crossed it won't get as bad for me this time!

Hi not sure I can help too much...I wasn't diagnosed with this during my pregnancy but I had enough fluid to fill a bath! My waters were broken in hospital and it was like a river, the midwife called it something but I can't remember what. Jack was estimated to be 5lbs 7oz at 33/34 weeks and I had him at 41+1 weighing 8lbs 14oz.
My labour was induced as my hind waters broke but I I failed to get into established labour quickly enough, once the waters have gone they worry about infection. Did they say what might happen when you have polyhydramnios?

Do get plenty of rest. Hope all goes well
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I missed the part about your question of natural birth lol

No, kind of, but not really at all lol

My waters went at 38+5, they literally burst but luckily I was on the loo. I was measuring 55 weeks at this point and so miserable, I'm only 5'4" so this was alot to carry around.

I had to go straight to hospital because they needed to check LO was ok, had a few contractions on way. Got there still leaking fluid like a tap but contractions stopped.

Kept me in, cervix was open and waters gone so had to stay because of risk of infection to LO. Waited about 16 hours to see if I would go into labour naturally but didn't happen unfortunately.

Was induced via drip.

the whole time since my waters went LOs heart rate kept dipping and rising again, due to the waters going to quick and fast he wasn't ready to come and it distressed him.

Then with the forced labour it got too much for him. Was in labour for 7 hours when I begged for pain relief, had drip turned off and then epidural put in after 1 hour, slept for 3 hours, then woke to even worse pain as they had turned drip up while I slept :wall2:

All this was too much for baby, but I got to 10cm and they told me to push, so push I did. For 3 hours. got him to within an inch out and he was wedged. Heart rate dropped seriously while they tried to ventouse him out and it ended in ermergency section.

In the end he got here fine and healthy.

I found out recently when I went to talk to a gynae doctor about it that the labour went this way because of the fluid. It went very quick and was like a tap on for quite a while. I never felt relief like it, but baby was very distressed, I was told it should never have been allowed that I was induced and should have gone straight to section. Which is what I was originally told would happen at 28 weeks when diagnosed, but so many doctors later kept changing their mind!

Anyways, bit long winded there, but it doens't mean that you can't have a natural labour but like they are doing they will monitor you very very closely.

I cannot fault the care they took for my LO to get here safely. The staff at my hospital were fantastic and it all ended well in the end!
i have raised fluid but have not been diagnosed with polyhydramnios, they ruled that out......so it cant be too excessive. i was told it was just raised because boo boo is a big baby...

i have another scan at 38 weeks and options will be weighed up then apparently.....seeing consultant after the scan...

oh and had GTT last friday, so just awaiting results of that

hope it all goes ok for you.....xx
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my mw told me at the lat appointment I had excess fluid . I was 31 wks 5 days measuring 36 cms and just had a growth scan where baby is slightly below average for his age. She never said a name though so good to know it has one. Had lots of symptoms of it too but not being sent for a scan to measure the waters just another growth scan at 36 weeks. This is because my waters broke at 36 weeks with my first and he was small (5lb 5ozs).
Oh yeah, also was warned about premature labour, but luckily that didn't happen. But yeah just take it easy and keep resting. It's so boring being stuck at home, I get cabin fever now if I can't get out everyday lol But it's worth it to keep bubs in there as long as possible!
I'm wondering if I had it undiagnosed with my first. xx
Hey hun, sorry I haven't had polyhydramnios so can't help but just wanted to say it's good to see you back here! It's been ages since you've been on the forum, was starting to worry about you :) xx
I had severe Polyhydramnios which was diagnosed at 30 weeks, but there was a problem with my son which was causing the excess fluid - he had Non Immune Hydrops, unfortunately we lost him when he was 2 days old :(

It had gone undiagnosed for a good few weeks, I knew something wasn't right at about 28 weeks as I was HUGE! Apparently I had litres and litres in there when they finally delivered my baby by emergency c section, it was an emergency because his heart was weak due to the Hydrops and they knew he only had about 48 hours left. We never got a reason or a cause for his condition as apparently he was structurally perfect, so was very hard to deal with. They *think* it was caused by a flu virus I had which had managed to cross the placenta and affect baby.

Sometimes it can be an indicator that something isn't right with baby but the majority of the time all is well xxx
Forgot to add - mine wasn't caused by GD at all either.

My LO weight 4lb 14oz at 30 weeks!! He was so full of fluid bless him so it was no surprise he was that big x
I had severe Polyhydramnios which was diagnosed at 30 weeks, but there was a problem with my son which was causing the excess fluid - he had Non Immune Hydrops, unfortunately we lost him when he was 2 days old :(

It had gone undiagnosed for a good few weeks, I knew something wasn't right at about 28 weeks as I was HUGE! Apparently I had litres and litres in there when they finally delivered my baby by emergency c section, it was an emergency because his heart was weak due to the Hydrops and they knew he only had about 48 hours left. We never got a reason or a cause for his condition as apparently he was structurally perfect, so was very hard to deal with. They *think* it was caused by a flu virus I had which had managed to cross the placenta and affect baby.

Sometimes it can be an indicator that something isn't right with baby but the majority of the time all is well xxx

So sorry you went through this hun :hug:
I have it, and they told me I couldn't have a home birth as planned. They said I was to call straight away if waters broke, as there is a increased chance that cord can drop into cervix due to there being extra room and baby might not be engaged? I'm not 'that' big too look at and on my scans my fluid level is just near the top of the three lines, not over it, (if that helps)
Think babies are more unstable as they can swim around a lot more, so think there are few extra risks to baby not getting into position? But the same risks go for everyone surely?
On my notes it says they want to control the membrane rupture in hospital (I guess for same cord reasons) but they haven't said I would need to go in at any set point. Last growth scan was last week at 36 + 3 and they are leaving me now.

Thankyou all & Thankyou Laura. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Bless you for sharing your story with me.
I've had steroids to prepare babies lungs as they've said my waters could go anytime due to the amount Im carrying. I have another scan next wk and they've said if it hasn't improved I could be hospitalised.
Feeling a little unnerved as know my blood sugar levels are fine & keep wondering what else is causing it. Just staying positive!

And hello wannabemummy! Ive been busy with work & life & my 3 yr old, but with all this spare time on my hands I'll be around a lot more now ;) xxxxx
Hospital ruled out gestational diabetes as the cause so are now looking at problems with baby
Got to have another scan next week to check baby & fluid levels, but if no change I may have to be referred for further tests on baby. They also said it's likely a paediatrician would need to be at hand to take baby as soon as he's born to be tested for bowel / oesophagus obstructions. Poor wee man.
Keep wondering if all the illness/infections I had on first three months have affected baby & were only discovering it now.
Keeping positive that my baby boy is healthy & well xxxxx
What illness/infections did you have Hun? I know certain types can cause problems, mine was an unknown virus. Its good that they are taking care of you and it sounds like they have caught it at the right time. Was too late for me by the time I was diagnosed. The Neonatologist said if he had maybe been delivered the week earlier he could of had a chance :/

If there is nothing obvious atm on scans then I wouldn't worry too much hun, I know it's easier said than done though :hugs:
i was also cleared of GD following a GTT.......the consultant told me that sometimes if you have a bigger baby then excess fluid is just part and parcel of that.......sometimes there is no explanation. so hopefully thats all it is hon...

i know its a worry cos i am worried too.....do you know if the sonographer checked if baby was swallowing ok etc....I remember when i had the scan at 33 weeks to check the excess fluid, she said about heart looking okay again and that baby was swallowing and weeing fine etc.....i think these are things they check when there is excess fluid....xx
I'm pretty certain in a previous scan they could see baby swallowing the water. Will ask them to recheck in next weeks scan, though I imagine they will definitely be checking that anyway.
I had tonsillitis 3 times in 8 weeks which led me to getting pleurisy (infection of lung lining) - all in early pregnancy. I was hospitalised & had sooooo many antibiotics (all pregnancy friendly mind as we had been trying for a baby).
There is nothing I can do so just staying positive & praying our little un is well - & that I'm just carrying lots of fluid because he's such a big boy xxx

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