Pnd worries


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2011
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Well basically I had a but of self realisation today that I'm not okay, I've been kidding myself for months that things will get better but I think I've realised it might not and I might need a hand to get back to my old self. My daughter is 5 months old, and I love her so much but 80% of the time I really dislike her almost hate I know it's horrid but I need to be honest. I'm constantly tired and anxious, I'm constantly upset and usually crying, my OH does nothing to me and I still get mad at him. Im a musician
So I play lots of gigs and lately I've been cancelling them, something I never do. I'm so worried that I'm letting everyone down by going to get help and feeling like I'm just over exaggerating but I have my health visitor coming out on Thursday for a chat and she's suggested over the phone that I should go see my gp. But I don't want them to look at me like a bad mum.

I'd never hurt my daughter but I yell a lot especially lately and I'm really struggling.

Is anyone else suffering like this?
I really feel alone.
Its not normal to feel like that, by seeking help everyone will be proud its sometimes the hardest thing to do. Ur gp will help you get back on ur feet and enjoy life and ur little girl. Ur not letting anyone down. X

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Oh Hun :hug: you are doing totally the right thing by getting help. You're not letting anyone down. It's good that you have acknowledged this and want to do something about it. Xx
There's not really a lot else I can add.
Well done for recognising it. I went to my gp last month, but I also felt like I was over exaggerating and maybe this was normal.

The doc will prob give you a questionnaire to do - try and be as honest as you can.

And remember they are there to help. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
There's not really a lot else I can add.
Well done for recognising it. I went to my gp last month, but I also felt like I was over exaggerating and maybe this was normal.

The doc will prob give you a questionnaire to do - try and be as honest as you can.

And remember they are there to help. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
So, where you diagnosed to having Pnd? X
:hug: all of that sounds so familiar. I was diagnosed with pnd when my daughter was 9 months old.

Honestly just pop to the doctors or your HV and say exactly what you've just written.

I went to my HV and he came round every 2 weeks just for a chat for a few months and Im so different now. Sometimes I can feel like I did but that's few and far between so I don't worry.

:hug: there's so much support on here too and it's really good to tell someone if you do have pnd. I told my OH and my sister as I trusted them and knew they'd understand. Xxx
Hi hun, I was diagnosed yesterday with PND. Admitting there's a problem is a bloody big brave step. Id def make a GPRS appointment. I've been given anti depressants n am being referred to a perinatal group for counselling etc. I've told certain members of my family n the rallying of support I've received is overwhelming. They've taken Freya out for a few hours so i can chill and also left Freya with my Oh while I go out for a coffee. The girls on her are also fantastic. Just remember that you're not alone. I can give you my mob number n you can ring me for a chat anytime. Don't keep it in, you'll make yourself ill. Well done for having the balls to put it out there xx
Well done you for realising there is a problem ad dealing with it. I think you have been extremely brave and and wish you the very best of luck with getting back on track :hugs:

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