PND: When does it go away?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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As per the question title really.

I feel so low all the time at the moment and although I love Connie to bits I don't feel right in myself. I keep getting to 'crisis point' where I'm so lacking in sleep that I then CAN'T sleep because I'm anxious and winding myself up - and then I start to get angry like when I used to get PMT and I just cry and cry and cry and want to die.

I've spoken to my HV and GP but I'm not going on antidepressants. Even though I don't feel like doing it I make sure I get out every day but I'm starting to get paranoid that the people I meet don't like me which is so not like me because I'm normally a real extrovert.

In short, I feel pants. When will it go away and is there anything more I can do to help myself bearing in mind that when I get in this state I really don't want to help myself??

I sound like a nutjob. Sorry.
Aww you don't sound like a nutjob at all. You sound like someone who has realised that you aren't feeling 100% at the moment and are hoping to see an end to the depression :hug:

I don't have any advice re time scales but just wondered if your GP/HV has offered you counselling or maybe let you know about any groups in your area for PND. I'm sure I've heard other members on here talk about these things.

Hope you feel better in yourself soon hun :hug: :hug:
Im so sorry hun you are feeling low.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

When Daniel was 4 months I hit the rock bottom. Basiclly I was thinking what on earth I have done and had a VERY strong wish just to leave everything(including the baby) and go to my mums. Was very very tought! But, after it was that bad, it became better. I started to realise, that it will never going to be as before and I have to live and enjoy what i have now (taking baby into account). Anyways, it got better. In the beginning I had 80%bad days and 20% good ones, then it went till 50/50 and so on.

My LO is soon 10 months, and for the last 2 months I am perfectly fine.
So, it will go away. Take one day at a time, and, most importaint-give yourself some time (have a bath, go for a manicure-leave baby with someone). It is importaint to stay away for some time. Even an hour will make you feel better :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Its a very hard time. Everything has changed, you just never realise how much it will and it all takes a lot of time to adjust to, even if everything seems good.

You seem to be doing all the right things and you know that something isnt right. I think you are right to not take the anti depressants.

You sound like you need a good sleep and a wee break. Babies are mentally tiring, even if they arent doing much.

You are eating okay? I mean eating healthy and getting your vitamins and stuff. I know it sounds unimportant when you cant even get a good sleep but that could be they key.

Hope you feel better soon.
Awwwww. First of all... :hug: :hug: :hug:

I've been there and it DOES get better...I promise. I never thought it would but it has so hang on in there.

Those early days are SO SO hard. I really struggled and was diagnosed with PND when Tom was very little...about 4 weeks I think.

I did take the anti-depressants eventually. They sat in my kitchen drawer for 2 weeks but ultimately I decided that the way I was feeling wasn't doing Tom or I any good so I took them and I really don't have any regrets as they helped me to get my head above water and feel part-way normal again.

I also got a referral through my HV to a PND Support Group which was brilliant. I met other girls who felt exactly like I did and that was a huge help.

I lent on my HV, my GP, my OH, my Mum and my friends. I talked about how I felt all the time to anyone who would listen. If anyone offered to help, I let them.

Try and get some sleep if you can. See if someone can come and look after Connie for a bit so you can get some zzzzz's. Sleep deprivation is torture so beg your friends and family to come and look after her for a while so you can sleep. They will probably LOVE to come and help you and see Connie.

Most of all, remember things will be OK. Things will get better. I promise you.

PM me any time.
Lucyx :hug:
I dont have any advice hun but wanted to give you a hug :hug:

Dont come in here much and didnt realise you were going thru this

LucyBee said:
Awwwww. First of all... :hug: :hug: :hug:

I've been there and it DOES get better...I promise. I never thought it would but it has so hang on in there.

Those early days are SO SO hard. I really struggled and was diagnosed with PND when Tom was very little...about 4 weeks I think.

I did take the anti-depressants eventually. They sat in my kitchen drawer for 2 weeks but ultimately I decided that the way I was feeling wasn't doing Tom or I any good so I took them and I really don't have any regrets as they helped me to get my head above water and feel part-way normal again.

I also got a referral through my HV to a PND Support Group which was brilliant. I met other girls who felt exactly like I did and that was a huge help.

I lent on my HV, my GP, my OH, my Mum and my friends. I talked about how I felt all the time to anyone who would listen. If anyone offered to help, I let them.

Try and get some sleep if you can. See if someone can come and look after Connie for a bit so you can get some zzzzz's. Sleep deprivation is torture so beg your friends and family to come and look after her for a while so you can sleep. They will probably LOVE to come and help you and see Connie.

Most of all, remember things will be OK. Things will get better. I promise you.

PM me any time.
Lucyx :hug:

kind of the same story as Lucy's. I was adament I wasn't taking any pills and had them for a month before I took them. I couldn't go on as I was and my OH said that it was either I took the pills or I lost my family basically. my psychiatrist prescribed them for short term use so I could feel "normal" enough so I could go along to counselling etc and get out without feeling paranoid that people were judging me, so she took a more holistic approach.They gave me that extra something to get the help I needed. However I understand that anti-d's aren't for everyone and there are support groups and other therapies out there.

As for it to go, I think that depends on why you have got PND. If there are any underlying issues then it could take longer. I am still working through all mine but am getting there slowly. I haven't felt the needto go back on my tablets this time but I have got a good support system around me and am not afraid to ask for help this time,plus my friends and family know what tolook out for.
I still have PND now and Harrisons 20 months BUT I didn't seek any help or tell anyone aprt from my OH before now and as you have thats brilliant and thats the first step on the road to recovery!! I've been feeling very bad PND/depression wise (I posted about it recently) so if you ever need to chat then my PM box is open hun :hug: :hug:

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