PND... is it coming back?...any advice?

Jul 30, 2008
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Hello all, I don't post very often but have not been feeling quite right for a wee while and am now wondering if it could be mild/early stage PND. I had it with after my first child 6 years ago, got over it and life has been really good and happy and productive. My son was born 6 months ago and i've been very anxious recently. Went to the docs on tuesday and begged to see a councilor. I just though I had anxiety problems. I've been talking about it all week with hubbie, but today I am wondering if I have mild/early stage PND. I start my counceling next week and am just not sure if I should go to the doc for low dose antidepressants in the meantime?!!! I don't want to take them but don't want this to get any worst. I'm just feeling a bit kind of yucky. My parents were staying last night and I was so anxious about them being in the house it felt horrid. The thing is, I sleep well, eat well, have a laugh, I'm not ratty with kids or hubbie...theres just an underlying scary feeling. Any one have advice??? Should I try the counceling first or get on the pills? :?
I think if i was you i'd hold off on the pills and see how the councelling goes. As you've posted you're feeling ok sleeping well etc so maybe give that a go first. Although as you've had PND before i'm sure you'll be able to tell if you are getting worse. Hope you get it sorted :hug: :hug:
Thanks for reply. My computer went down just after posting, so have only just got it... I do want to hold off on pills, just a little concerned as they take a few weeks to kick in. I'll just keep a close eye on my mood and go for the counceling.. Thanks again :D

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