PND diagnosis


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Well after not really admitting to myself for a while now, and not sleeping for months, and blaming everything on that, i finally HAD to go and see the doctor as i was just feeling awful and down. My DH persuaded me to go and i do have PND, which i feel awful about. I don't think that i have a really bad case of it. In some ways it is a relief to have finally been "diagnosed" and admitting how i really feel, but i also feel like i am a bad mother for feeling down at the moment.

Jut wanted to share this with someone who understands as i do feel a bit lonely and do not really want to tell too many people i know

Thanks for listening
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: know exactly how you feel. I feel really bad for feeling and thinking how I do sometimes. I wouldn't want to change anything (except get sleep) but some days I wake up and want to 'do something else not battle eating and sleeping for another 24 hours.' Not really sure what I'd want to do...just feel like that.

Don't really have any advice etc but just to say that little Charlotte is lovely and I bet she thinks you're great! :) You are always concerned about her and looking to give her the best :hug:

How is she getting on with solids? Still a milk fan?
On top of not being a good sleeper yet, my LO has discovered......fighting sleep. Great. I really need that! :(
Sorry to hear this Nikki but at least now you have a diagnosis you'll be able to get help and not feel like you're doing something wrong, because you're not. We're always here to listen to you - hope you start to feel better soon now you're getting some help xx
Thanks :hug:

Newmum, she has been a bit better with solids last 2 days but it can still be an effort to get her to eat sometimes and i want her to enjoy it. Sorry you are still not getting much sleep :hug: :hug:
Hi Nikki,

I have PND too which I'm really suffering with just now. You are NOT a bad mum, for me, I've just lost sight of myself and have not really caught up with the fact that my life has turned itself upside down and will never be the same again.

Have they offered you any support? I have been offered drugs, PND support group and counselling and am going with the counselling for now (1st of 6 sessions next Friday). I would consider the drugs if I wasn't still breastfeeding.

I feel so low sometimes and just don't want to go on. I hate feeling like this and have no history of depression. :hug: to you and please PM me if you'd ever like to chat.

Valentine Xxx
Im sorry to hear you ave pnd, you can get through it and will in time :hug:

Its so hard to understand why mums get PND when having a baby is supposed to be a happy event.
I totally understand. I have PND too and was diagnosed when Tom was about 4 weeks.
PM me if there's anything I can do or if you just want a chat. It does help to talk to other people who have been or are going through the same thing.
Valentine...could we maybe have a PND sticky now as it seems like there are quite a few of us in the same boat.

Dont feel guilty, you are taking steps to make yourself better. Would you feel guilty if you had a cold? Prob not. You cant help it honey. Its not a choice.

I have it, coming out the other side now thank goodness and when me and my friends finally admitted it to each other 3 out 4 of us had it!! :shock:

anyway massive hugs to you and everyone else who has this horrible thing. You are all very brave to talk about it. So if you (or anyone else) wants to chat PM me.

Thankfully I had fantastic help from a number of forum members and promise you there is light at the end of the tunnel.. xx
Thanks for your replies and big :hug: to others going through this :hug:
Hiya, you are definately not alone :hug: I have bad PND and spent the week in hospital last wk due to finally hitting rock bottom and having to admitt to my hubby that I couldn't cope. I have been put on antidepressants and am having therapy to help. Unfortunately I had to give up breast feeding because of the meds which I am sad about but my appetite had totally disappeared due to the depression so I wasn't really producing enough/good quality milk anyway.

valentine said:
I feel so low sometimes and just don't want to go on. I hate feeling like this and have no history of depression. :hug: to you and please PM me if you'd ever like to chat.

Valentine Xxx

valentine, I identify with this feeling. Sometimes I honestly feel like I can't go on too and i've also never been's so odd what pregnancy can do to you. I know you are still BF but there are some antidepressants you can be on that don't effect your milk. I was on cipranol and I could still BF (i'm on a stronger anti-d now).

:hug: to all PND ladies
KJL said:
valentine said:
I feel so low sometimes and just don't want to go on. I hate feeling like this and have no history of depression. :hug: to you and please PM me if you'd ever like to chat.

Valentine Xxx

valentine, I identify with this feeling. Sometimes I honestly feel like I can't go on too and i've also never been's so odd what pregnancy can do to you. I know you are still BF but there are some antidepressants you can be on that don't effect your milk. I was on cipranol and I could still BF (i'm on a stronger anti-d now).

:hug: to all PND ladies

Thanks very much for this KJL, its really useful info. I'll have a think about going to my docs to ask about this.

I'm so glad to hear you are back home and hopefully getting a bit better. I'm so proud of you for getting help. You had your own threads here and here - maybe post on them if you get a chance, to let everyone know how you are.

Love to you :hug:

Valentine Xxx

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