Plus size mummies to be!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Hellooo this is my first post in the second trimester area of the site! CHECK ME OUT!! i'm 14 weeks :D
I am a little overweight and 5'11 but i am SICK of being treated like i am the first large lady to have a baby :( I am getting so much stick from the drs and everything. Even my scan was "reduced resolution due to increased BMI" lol :roll:
This is my third pregnancy, i'm not small framed to begin with. I put on 7stone with my first pregnancy and had a 10lb 9oz baby by emergency c section, i then lost 5 stone after and fell pregnant the following year, i gained 5 stone in my second pregnancy and had a 9lb 11oz baby by c section. I didn't really lose all the baby weight this time, and boy don't i know it! they won't let me forget it!! I've got a flippin' gestational diabetes test booked in for 28 weeks much to my horror, i had it with both my other children and it was a complete waste of time, made me super ill and i ended up on a drip on a ward because my body HATES lucozade and the alternative glucose powder and water. DO i HAVE to have these tests??
Me and my partner are tall so this baby will be big. My partner is 6'9" lol! x
Hiya :wave: I think some places get really hung up on weights and BMI's and forget that you're actually probably quite healthy! I was worried about it way back at the start, my BMI was 33.1 but no one seems to be bothered since. Not even an offer of the glucose tolerance test (although I changed GP and Midwife at about that time so wondering if they've missed it). My sister is a dietitian and gets quite angry when measurements are used on their own. Like she'll do a calliper fat test too as some people are all muscle so that takes their weight up but they are healthy! I'd let them know that it is difficult to be hearing comments about weight all the time especially when it's not the time to be losing weight!!
Can you imagine how much you'll lose running around after three kids!! :hug:
I've heard that bmi is a bad indication of health. This is because someone could have a healthy bmi but a really awful diet and someone with a high bmi could have a really good diet. x
lols im way ahead of you on all of this i have a bmi of 40 and am having to test daily with a blood sugar moniter to make sure i dont get gestational diabetes my scans were blurred due to my rather large tum lol i have to be scanned at 28 and 34wks because the fundal measurement system doesnt work if your bmi to high and i go to a weekly weight management clinic to make sure im not putting to much on but tbh i dont mind im getting fantastic care and im not silly enough to believe that my weight wont have an impact on my pregnancy but alot can be on how you are spoken to by the staff
Aye - BMI's are a load of crap! I was a healthy size 12 (god I miss it!) last Jan 2009 however my BMI was still 27 or 28 classing me as overweight!! It's 31 now as i'm not good at keeping weight off!

I had my GTT last Fri and results came back clear - I just think they're just over cautious of Gestational Diabetes these days. x
Ive got a BMI of 31 and coz of this I gotta have the GTT at 24 weeks. Grrrr xx
surely they wont do a GTT if theres no sugar in your urine? My BMI was 30 and I got such grief! Ive hardly gained any weight through the pregnancy but noone seems to care after getting me so upset in the beginning. I eat a healthy diet, no highly procesed sugary foods or anything but I consistantly have sugar in my urine. Had a GTT at 12 weeks which was totally normal, got to have another tomorrow but its cos of sugar being in my fasting urine sample not cos of BMI. Honestly, if your blood pressure is normal, and youre well nourished, eating a balanced diet to make sure youre getting good nutrients, I wouldnt worry too much about it.

I think a lot of the research that link women with higher BMIs with complications is to do with the fact that some women with high BMIs have unhealthy blood pressure, or diabetes. I had a leaflet tell me I was more likely to have a c-section because research has shown women with higher BMIs have bigger babies. But I argues that surely that was only if you had diabetes or a high sugar diet, not JUST BMI if your blood sugars are normal.

I argued my way into midwifery led care and I intend to argue my way into the birthing pool too. If Im not allowed in it, Ive told my OH we're going home, dont care if Im in labour!
Rugby players BMI's are off the wall - they dont take into consideration muscle mass if you ask me. Im taller and my starting BMI was 26. I don't know if they will check it again at any point or not.
Mine is 33 but my midwife only sáid there is no high risk unless its over 35 and that was all i heard about it!
Sorry I shouldnt be in here yet but couldnt help but reply to your thread! I have a very high BMI of 38. I was DREADING my midwife appointment and scan as I heard horror stories about people getting grief for being bigger. Honestly I had a panic attack in the car park before going in just worrying about it. Turns out my midwife was LOVELY- she called me 'cuddly' which was cute. lol.

Had my scan today and I was worried they would have to do an internal but you could see baby soooo clearly! Was incredible. I have a very healthy diet and I truly think they should waste their energy on people who are knowingly putting their baby at risk by drinking and taking drugs!

Just because you are big you should not be made to feel guilty for getting pregnant and it does not automatically give you 'fat illnesses' like diabetes. I have been booked in for a glucose test in July also down to the fact that my parents have pill controlled diabetes but I just think I will accept any test they offer as long as my baby is safe. My midwife has said she thinks I am very low risk and there is no type of birth method I will be stopped from using as long as I remain low risk.

These medical professionals you are dealing with have no right to treat you like that and I wouldnt stand for it!!! Sorry for the essay but I feel really strongly about this!! Grr.

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I know I'm to early to be in here too but wanted to add my voice. :)

I'm only 5ft 1 or so and I have a very thick build thanks to my none to skinny parents. I have a huge bust and a large bum that won't shift no matter how much weight I loose. My bmi is 31 and when I raised this to my midwife, she was very sympathetic as she says her daughter is exactly the same. My diet is perfect (well, it hadn't been for the last few weeks due to MS) and my blood pressure is right on the button. As long as you're happy I don't think the hospital should be able to make you feel bullied into anything that you don't want.


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