Plug? And question about breech babies


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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In the mornings, or after ive had a nap.. when i sit up i keep getting blobs of whitish jelly stuff coming out of me, sooo gross. Why did I get chocolate sheets !? Is it plug? or just gross stuff? lol

Also is there a way to kinda tell what way up baby is? She was breech at my last appt and im impatient waiting for the next one lol
The only way I know little man's head down is because he puts his foot under my ribs and I can feel him moving his head in my pelvis then MW confirmed it! The plug is abit like jelly but also like discharge just thicker!
Theres either a bum or a head jammed under the right side of my ribs. Cant tell the difference lol but lower bump near pubic bone and stuff isnt "hard" and tight like it used to be, like the rest of bump , its squidgy now.. so i guess that means baby isnt there?? I dont know heh
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I didn't know whether he was breech or not until my consultant confirmed he was head down at 36 weeks. I'm crap with knowing stuff like that and whether he's engaged! Lol!
I know my lo's breech by the hiccups, I feel them moreso at the top :)

So long as the discharge isn't blood stained I'd imagine it's more pg discharge but do consult your Mw if you think its plug xxx
I've got some rum ol discharge going on too momma kat, but it's different every time tbh so I'm ignoring it, always sleeping with big pants on though to save sheets!!
I was well bummed out at my mw app yesterday cos had a different mw than my normal one and she couldn't tell where the baby's head was and even said to me 'do you think there's a head there?' I was like 'I don't know, you're the expert!'. She also took a while to find hb which was a bit scary :-S

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