Lou what has religion got to do with it, I keep seeing your posts referring to religion but from my understanding this has nothing to do with it. This is something for Muslims/Christians/Catholics/Athiests etc to all take part in. Being British doesn't mean being religous.
I have my beliefs, was brought up in the church. No sure what I consider myself at moment though - if you wanted a direct reply.
MissLarue, I know they are talking about GB, I am still English though but IMO independence wouldn't work for all 4 sides. We work together so if that means it being classed as pledging alegience (sp? sorry) to GB then thats fine.
This is how I see pledging and what it means to
Not to focus on people as Christians/Muslims etc etc, we are all British and we all love this country so why not see ourselves as one rather than putting a difference between ourselves. Valuing the education system and all working to improve that including with our own children. Being proud of a country that respects everyones beliefs, yes we still have our problems but I tell you what we are a million times more tolerant than some countries.

We live in a country were we are free to vote, man or woman.
There are points of this country the need improving - definately but why not celebrate the things we get right
Hope I worded ok, not too good at making my point