please read

Hello Addled,
Welcome to the forum, no matter What you decide to do people will not judge you or you decision here, :hug:
You have however asked for advice, and everyone has told you it's your decision :think: I agree it does take 2 to tango, and you should take your partners opinion and wishes into concideration, which is probably why your having this battle now :hug: wee hug as it is such a hard choice. I would ask if 'he' has taken your views and opinions into concideration too? :think: You need to know what 'YOU' want doll, when PG our hormones are all over the place, making everything more emotional, try to stay calm, and talk through all options with your boyfriend, let him see how confused you really are about this decision you both have to make. phone the hospital or go in when your booked and 'tell them all your feelings and fears' they have professional councillors available to help you... another week won't make much difference to the procedure BUT it will make the difference to you emotionally and mentally. :hug: My heart breaks for you doll :hug: take good care of you no matter what, know people will support you either way. love Yvonne xx :hug:
pls dont do it if you dont want to, if he loves you he will come round. a close family member urged me to abort after i found out, but i stuck to my guns and explained i was sure of what i wanted and i now have their full support, not to mention remorseful apologies. it just takes some time, even when they love you lots.
good luck :hug:

My neighbour had one her baby is or was 10 months old that was 2 months ago and she only did it cuz her husband said he wasnt ready for another one and cuz she didnt wanna disappoint him she did it and still regrest it still cries over it and says i cant beleve i listened to him , now that im preg as well she says its worse cuz we could of been at simlilar stages.
What im getting at is she regreted listening to him so follow what your heart says hun ..wish you all the best :hug:
you must be feeling awful hun. at the end of the day its your body and i think its your decision. yes your OH should have some say in the matter but to tell you to terminate and thats it is a bit wrong.
my friend had the pill termination and i went through it with her and its the worst thing, she had alot of pain and lots of bleeding with clots, she said she would never go through it again.
in your heart of hearts you know whats best for you and what you want, please base your decision on that. x
:hug: :hug: Hun dont let anyone make yu do what you dont want to do! My OH wanted me to abort my baby and so did my whole family. It was tough and i knew deep down its what i wanted. I was only 17 but i already loved that baby so much i coudnt do it. My sister had an abortion at 16 and i saw what she went through. Even now, 7years later i see her look at my daughter with a tear in her eye. Chris said he would leave me and it would split us up etc, but here we are having another one! Men get very scared when faced with pregnancy and they think the best thing is to aviod it completely. Chris wanted a child since he was 16 but at 23 he didnt want my pregnancy! The book 'The blokes guide to pregnancy' Is amazing! He hates EVERYTHING related to pregnancy and he gave me a hard time thruout my pregnancy with Jaycee so this time i bought him this book to read and he LOVES it! He even rubs my belly! He never touched me before.
You have a few weeks before you have to make a decision honey just dont make the wrong choice too soon or you'll regret it for the rest of your life!
:hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry your going through this hun.
The main thing is dont rush into anything despite what you've been told you do have a bit of time to decide, I belive that a termination is never an easy desision and having it a week later will make no difference to how you will feel during and after.
I never thought I would have a termination (I'm not exactly against it, but it's not for me (i dont mean that to sound harsh in anyway so please dont take it badly) I did have a termination at 15 weeks (because my baby had a very serious birth defect and it was the best thing for us all) and I have to tell you it was the worst day of my life I did see everything and that image will never leave me, as far as I know I done the right thing but I still had to make that desision and sometimes I do feel bad.
You clealy havent done this on purpose and it will be hard but YOU have to make the desision and no-one (not even your OH) can make it for you.
I wish you the best of luck and whatever you decide it will be the right choice.
Good luck

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