Got the fear


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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Please can anyone help me stop stressing? I'm nearly 10 weeks PG, and until about a week ago I had very sore boobs which had grown by 2 cup sizes, felt very nauseous a lot of the time (but never actually threw up), was completely exhausted and had chronic constipation. I feel different now and don't know whether I'm just reading too much into it, but haven't felt nauseous for a few days now, constipation is starting to clear up (but guess that could be down to the ridiculous quantities of fruit, veg and water I'm consuming!), and my boobs don't hurt at all, which I think is what's worrying me most cos that's been my most consistent symptom. They haven't shrunk tho. Getting really worried that something's wrong. First scan is a week tomorrow (7th July). I rang my midwife just now, but they only answer the phone between 8.30 and 9.30am every day, otherwise it's a case of leaving a voicemail and they ring you back the next morning. Talked to DH about it, and he said it's probably just my body getting used to being PG, but I just can't stop worrying. Anyone had the same thing and everything been ok?
I think thats normal hun :hug: try not to worry :hug:
Hi Ellie

I am exactly the same. I am 9+5 and have no symptoms either. I have never felt nauseous, so like you was relying on sore boobs and lack of AF to reassure myself that all is ok. My sore boobs disappeared at the beginning of the week. I had my booking in appointment yesterday and the midwife said it was probably due to my body getting used to being PG (so your DH is well advised!!). She said as long as there's no pain or bleeding then there is no real need to worry. So, I am tring to remain positive and appreciate the fact I don't feel poorly (but it is very hard!).

Fingers crossed all will be fine. Good luck with your scan... :)
Ohh Ellie so feel for you. I do feel exactly the same I am also completely worried I am 10wks today and have not really been sick for a week or so. Had the same thing my breast are still a little sore but not sick or extremely tired anymore :think: I like to think it is nothing wrong but I am so worried it is something wrong.. Still don't have my first mw appointment for another couple or weeks and the scan the day before. Lets hope it is all down to that we are through the difficult phase and it is going to be a lovely 6 months going forward :wink: Alex x
The same happened with me at around 9 weeks hun, I panic'd but had a scan a few days later and all was fine. Your placenta kicks in around that time so that is the most likely cause, also my boobs are sore some days and not others.
I am exactly the same.

I have my scan next Wednesday and am worried in case I have had a missed miscarriage again.

Hopefully everything is fine again :pray:
symptoms do tail off after first trimester, and u might be further along than u think. try not 2 worry (i kno its hard)! :hug:
Thanks everyone for your support - it's so hard not to get stressed sometimes, think it's being in the great unknown that does it, just don't know what to expect! Just keeping fingers crossed til scan next Saturday. :hug: to everyone xx

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