My dad says he remember's hearing concord go overhead (we used to live in Farnborough)... he looked up... and the next thing he remembers is my mum trying to wake him up and he was lying on the ground in the garden.
When he was in hospital he wasn't doing anything, he just turned to look at my mum, and the next thing there were loads of people around him.
I know my dad was working really hard at the time and was under great amounts of stress... He hadn't been ill or anything before hand... but it was the sudden movement in his neck that made him pass out. If your brother was lying in an awkward position and he jerked his head up when the phone rang, its possible the same thing happened. Because of the degeneration in the vertebrae in the neck, sudden movements can trap nerves and blood vessels to the brain, making it pass out.
Although he is young.. I know that if I twist my head or look up suddenly I get dizzy and unbalanced, and I often have pulled muscles in my neck for no reason. But it would depend on if your brother has had neck problems before or an injury to his neck at any point in his life that would predispose him to this condition. Although from 30 years it does become more common.
He probably doesn't have it as it rare... but it's something he could look into if he has a history concerning his neck.
and if it is that, he'll have no problem getting his licence back...