Please keep everything crossed for Songbird**updated post**


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
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I received a text last night from Songbird, but didn't want to post anything until she ok'd it. Here is what I received - **Hi hun hope u r ok I'm sure its nothing but I have just been taken to hospital with bleeding.**
I texted her back sending her my love & telling her I had everything crossed that all would be ok for her.
Got another text this morning **Thanks. Hun it means a lot xxx
Well the bleeding has stopped but the trace showed tightnings this morning so they are keeping me in for another 24-48 hours so not bad. But not great I can't believe it I really thought they would send me home my birth partner should be here about 1 30 so at least she will be here.**
Just wanted everyone on PF to know what was happening. Wishing all goes well for you hun & got everything crossed that bubs stays in there for a little while longer for you. You are in the best place, being cared for. Try to take it easy & get some rest.

Love from Sunnyb & everyone on PF xxx

Got a text message this morning from Songbird with an update - it read:
***Sorry about the early text (I have been awake since 5 30 ) I managed a whole 7 hours of sleep last night and somehow managed to keep my room to myself.
Had a scan yesterday baby seems fine she is lying right behind my belly button made it hard to get measurements but we did and all is good she is a good weight aprox 4lb 12 already. Still bleeding slightly so going back on trace today as they decided not to do one last night as they said I needed to get sleep.
There is still no answer to why I'm bleeding. Hopefully it will be figured out today and they let me go home.
The staff here have decided I'm having a drama queen (great another one lol)
can you thank everyone for all their best wishes and thoughts it means a lot and thanks for keeping everyone updated xxxx***
I told her to get as much rest as possible as she already has a daughter, she joked about where else could she lay in bed all day & get 3 meals a day :lol:

She's on the trace machine now & the heartbeat is sounding good, little madame keeps kicking the monitor, so sounds like she'll be a handful when she arrives!!!

Just wanted to let you know all seems well. Sooooo pleased for you Songbird x

Sunnyb xxx
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Hope her and her little one are ok. How far along is she? x
Hope everything ok Hun xx
Finger crossed for you songbird!! As above ^^ how many weeks is she?? xxx
She is 31 weeks today x

Sunnyb xxx
Hope everything turns out okay!! xx
Hope she and baby are ok. Cook a bit longer baby songbird!! Xx

Good luck hun, keep baby cooking as long as you can hun x
sending big :hugs: really hope she's ok, we shear a due date so this is quite shocking! best wishes hun x
got my fingers crossed for you songbird. hope everything is ok. xxx
Hope you are ok and bubs can keep cooking for a little longer xx

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