please help


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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i cant cope any more ive had enough , why me, everything is geting on top of me, im affraid i will do something stupid, my hubby is not helpful, im in arguments with my ex cause he does not want to see my daughter. i am really fed up. why did i loose this baby
the fact you have came on here is proof to you that you wont do something stupid or you would have done it already without thinking. Im really sorry you have lost your baby, I cant imagine your pain.
As for the asshole ex, why bother with him :talkhand: . That just means you get your lovely daughter all to yourself and dont need to bother with him at all.
And the hubby, some men are a bit dim. How is he handling your miscarriage? Is he handling it?
I hope you are okay :(
my ex will always be in my daughters life, i wish he wasn't, but thats life. i hate him. i cant eat i cant focus, im being selfish and drinking a botttle of wine, i cant focus on now and the future i am selfish!!! god i have a 7 month old and a 8 year old, my hubby is ignoring me, he thinks cause i m/c so earlly it doesn't matter... i dont have any one else to speak to
i will come back on and speak to you later, dont worry, i will be back
hiya again,
I dont think you are selfish at all. You have just miscarried and you cant carry on like nothing happened, you shouldnt be expected to. 7 weeks is ages into a pregnancy, when its your baby its in your head 24/7. As far as I am concerened if you find out you are pg then lose the baby you have suffered a bereavement and people, especially your husband should be sympathetic to that.
Dont beat yourself up, and enjoy that wine :clap: you deserve a bottle. You sure have your work cut out just now with a 7 month and 8 year old.
HI thank you laura for your kind words, had big cuddle with my daughters last night, feel a bit better, just going to take it easy, if im down then my children are, cant have that. thank you again take care xxxxxxxxx
No problem :D , glad you feel a bit better. If you feel down or just want to chat drop me a pm, im usually on at night

Take care

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