Please help!!


New Member
May 4, 2016
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Hi, I will try and make this as short as possible and I will start from the beginning on the 19th April I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. Judging off when my last period was I should have been ovulating that week. On the 29th April I started bleeding (nowhere near as heavy as my normal period) it only lasted a day and it was only when I wiped but it was bright red (sorry tmi!) then the day afterwards it was pink when I wiped. I feel quite nauseous and I am constantly tired even though I am getting slightly more sleep than usual and my boobs have grown a little too which doesn't usually happen to me. I did a pregnancy test today during my lunch hour even though my period is not due for 3 days and it came out as negative. Is there any chance I could be pregnant or am I overlooking every symptom? Thank you in advance for your help xx
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You sound like me! I'm having the same issues but negative test.
Take another test the day you're due on or just after. It may just be that it's too early x
Try testing again with fmu (first morning urine), it could be that it's too early to show x
Your symptoms sound good - and the bleed sounds like a possible implantation especially as it only lasted a day! After implantation it can apparently take up to a week for hcg levels to be high enough to register on a test :) hold out as long as you can - at least until AF is due then I'd recommend a frer. Lots of luck sweet xx
No I am waiting a few more days until I do another test - I don't think I could handle seeing another BFN so soon:( x
No I am waiting a few more days until I do another test - I don't think I could handle seeing another BFN so soon:( x

Hang in there sweet...however hard it is not to test I think you do right waiting until af is due at least :) then if af arrives at least you know without being to see another bfn. That was always my thinking anyway :) good luck xx
Well today af is due(still no sign) I did a test using fmu and a bfn:'( x

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