Please help :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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I don't know what to do. I am starting to doubt myself and feel like a bad mother. Arthur is almost 5 months old. Every other mum I know with babies the same age have started giving purees. I wanted to wait until just before he was 6 months old and do blw. (I want him to have Xmas dinner!!!! He'll be 6 months on jan 4th :))

But I keep gettig these comments like , he's hungry, why don't you give him some purée, oh you're missing out on a lovely experience, he wot get enough food if you only do blw...

What should I do? I wanted to try blw an I k ow I can't do if I give him purees now.

Feeling a but miserable with it all :(


Don't listen to what others say, I'm constantly bombarded with unwanted advice.
You do what you think is right, xxx
Ignore all the comments chick. I didn't start weaning at all until LO was 6 months old. And it was the best thing we did. I had the same comments all the time. xxxx
Do what u feel is right for him hun. Owen was hungry so I started him at 4 months on puréed food myself but whatever's right u and him :) x

Ignore everyone and do what you feel is best! I want to do BLW next time and even with Toby starting on purees he has nothing until he was 6 months (and he couldn't be a ether eater - he will literally eat anything and usually finishes Sam's dinner when he's had his :lol:)
I started early weaning and i really wish i had waited! But i gave in to everypne telling me i shud start weaning ...My lo is a very fussy eater! Dont feel bad, wait it out and im sure u will be happy u did. Dont listen to anyone else, you are the mother not them! Hope ur ok hun. Xxx
I had that too, everyone was constantly saying she 'looked hungry' and was ready for food, but I didn't think she was and just waited it out. Don't feel bad - you know best! End of the day, waiting is not going to do any harm but starting too early for your baby might!
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Think about it, if you were really hungry what would you prefer, steamed carrots or some filling nutrient rich milk? Don't listen to people, do what you think is best and if he seems hungry offer extra milk. I waited until a few days before Owen was 6 months to start blw and I'm so glad I waited. It was hard as he was constantly feeding before that but so worth it.
THanks ladies I feel a lot better :) to the ones that did blw, did you ever have to fend off comments like "don't be ridiculous, he can't be filling his tummy like that!" my mum has said to me that I will have to give him purée as well afterwards to ensure he's actually eating something...Is that true?
i haven't started weaning yet, and plan on doing BLW though my LO has just started to wake up again in the night . . . i personally think this is more to do with the fact he's teething and not getting his normal food through out the day! (back to point) cant remember where but i've seen it on here and in a few articles and books that "food before one is just for fun!" they still have nearly as much milk as they would before and so purées aren't needed!
I mostly fend off choking comments with blw. It's true that "food before 1 is just for fun" I haven't noticed any significant drop off in milk feeds although he does now seem to eat a bit more then when we started. With blw you only give them food after a milk feed anyway so it's not really a hunger thing
The whole idea of blw is u cut out all the purees and foods associated with tradition weaning. If u did give purees etc with a spoon afterwards, that defeats the whole object iykwim! As the baby has to feed him or herself. And its not about how much they eat at all! Just getting the, used to different flavours and textures of foods. I cant wait to do it next time round!
You won't 'have' to do anything with purees! As Catherine says, food is more for fun at first, and milk is most important still.

I've mostly had comments from people sure that LO will choke, and my Dad especially had made it known that in his opinion it was all modern mumbo jumbo that wouldn't work, but he was here yesterday and L was happily shovelling sweet potato wedges, other veggies and a chunk of chicken in her face and going mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm! at him and he commented how she was clearly enjoying it :lol:
I waited until LO was 6 months old and did blw and I had exactly the same comments. I just ignored them. I just calmly explained the information I had researched and explained why blw was right for us and left it at that x x do what you feel best and stay strong x
I was talking to my mum about BLW yesterday and she said I was 4months old when I was sat on her lap and took a pea from her plate, so she slowly gave me other bits! I think you'll know when he's ready, your the one who spends all day with him! I say go with your gut! x
THanks ladies I feel a lot better :) to the ones that did blw, did you ever have to fend off comments like "don't be ridiculous, he can't be filling his tummy like that!" my mum has said to me that I will have to give him purée as well afterwards to ensure he's actually eating something...Is that true?

hey there :)

Yes yes and yes!! But once people saw how well Owen was eating and how it helped him to be independent they realized it was our decision and a good one for him :)

whereabouts in london are you hon? I am in Sutton and if you would like to meet for a coffee I would be very happy to and chat about out BLW experience. I went through al the same stuff as you and felt quite alone in our decision, an old mate had done it and blw forums helped but it was hard at first.

It is SOOOOOOOOO AMAZING though, stick with it though, if you feel it is what you want to do go for it.

As for comment above, yes they wont fil their tum for a long while but that's why you give them as much milk as they want and food before one is just for fun!' giving puree after is not needed. pm me if you wanna meet up xx
Yes absolutely got comments like this! The food at first isn't meant to fill baby up, milk is still primary and will do that for you, it's to explore and enjoy and have fun with x my mother was the worst for comments!
My mil still comes over and starts trying to feed him everything! Dylan loves blw n of he doesn't want something put in his mouth he will scream at you!(so mil found out)
If you haven't already read the blw book and let anyone else who will b involved in feeding him read it too! X

I'm here too with a successful blw baby if you want to talk! X
Thankyou thankyou! It is a very lonely decision I guess, because everyone around you is doing skmething different. I was sitting with my group of nct friends on Friday and all of them were spooning mashed banana in their babies mouths and I felt really left out. I've tried to read up as much as possible - bought the blw cookbook which got me quite excited.

What kind of foods can ou start with? I was going to start a couple days before Xmas with scrambled egg and soft fruits etc, and hen give him some Xmas dinner on Christmas day! Does that sound ok? He'll be just over 5 1/2 months.

I guess from what you are all saying that I can't get too obsessed with what he's actually eating and digesting at first and I have I leave him to explore and play with the food?

Michin, thanks for the offer I would love that and think it would be really
Helpful. Im in fulham, west london. I will pm you xx
Also does that mean I'd still be breastfeeding every 4 hours during he day and giving food afterwards?x

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