If you want to do blw weaning it is up to you hun, nobody should be pressuring you into doing anything else. You know your baby more than they do! We started Oz on purees at 5 months because we thought he was hungry, but he wasn't, he didn't take off with food until 6 months old properly then he loved it. But even then he couldn't handle 'solids' he had to have smooth until he was 9 months old, he choked and gagged and vomited on everything that was offered. Only at 9 1/2 months did he start to chew food and is now fine with everything! But all I got from people, esp HVs, was pressure to be forcing him to have 'normal' food, but in the end I just did what I knew was right for my baby. Sorry, ramblings lol, you just have to tune everyone else out and go with your intuition. Never forget you know your baby xxxxx