please help

confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I'm really scared :(
I'm almost 6weeks
I've had very light brown discharge on off for past few days..and my pregnancy symptoms have disappeared :'( I'm worried something is wrong, the only symptoms I had were that I felt tired n sleepy, with occasional headache.n mild cramp at night, now I don't feel anything, my heart just sunk n I feel so sad,im having doubts n think it was all in my head, I've got docs appt tommorow n I want to ask for a blood test and scan, I don't wana b fobbed off, how can I convince her? I feel to cry :'( I don't want it to end...I'm trying to stay positive but its so hard, I thought if I don't have period like bleeding n cramps I'm ok, but I can't stop thinking negative!

p.s. I did four hpt which were all positive, so the doc said she doesn't need to do another test as they believe the four that the norm with docs these days?
Aw Hun try not to panic. If it was me I think I'd probably go to a & e, if you say you're in pain too, they should deffinately scan you. Really hope everythings ok Hun x x
Try not to worry, just explain to your dr and they may send you to the epu just to put your mind at rest. I had spotting for a few days around 5 weeks and had my scan a couple of weeks ago and everything was fine. Just put your feet up and try not to worry about it, i know easier said than done!
I'm not in pain or have any serious bleeding, so I'm partly positive all is ok, but I just can't help it :'(
what abt my symptoms disappearing? is that is so hard to stay positive erghh, just want tomorrow to come superfast
Symptoms can come and go. I had brown discahrge at 4 weeks and at 6 weeks and they did a scan at epau at 6 weeks and 1 day and I saw the heafrt beating.

Oh honey try not to worry, discharge is normal as is symptoms that come and go. If the bleeding is bright red and heavy you need to get it checked out, or if you have really bad pains. Aches and pains are normal at this stage too though as your body is adjusting to being pregnant and things are starting to stretch. With William I had to go to a&e because I was having really bad pains, I had suffered 4 mc before and was really worried, i was kept in and given a scan on the epu but everything was fine, we saw a heartbeat and 7 months later my healthy baby boy arrived. This forum is fab for help and reassurance and advice and support. Big hugs honey and good luck at the doctors x
Light brown discharge can sometimes be old blood , I had this with I was pregnant with my first it was scary to I also had cramps as my womb was stretching . But I would say if your worried go to your EPU , that's what they are there for :)
at the docs, I'm being sent for an urgent ultrasound, I keep praying to the lord that all is well
fingers and toes are crossed for you xxxxxx
Let us know how the scan goes honey, thinking of you x
doc couldn't get me an appt for today, so il b going in tomoro morning, fingers crossed a
all is ok :(
what if they cant see anything :'(
Well fingers crossed that they can. It's a horrible feeling having to wait and no amount of hearing "stay positive" and "try not to worry" will make you stress any less but it's all you can do really. Sadly its something that you have no control over and it so hard when you want it so much.

I'm betting you post tomorrow saying they found the heartbeat and you're so relieved! Plus, you're at the stage where they should be able to see a heartbeat as you'll be over 6 weeks by a day tomorrow. Maybe you couldnt have it today for a reason??

Good luck though hun, i'll be thinking of you

yaay wat a is there :)
Omg it was a trans vaginal scan, abit uncomfortable... the wait was murderous, I was so scared, but great thing they saw the lil one measured at 2.5mm, they said everything that should b there is there, also thank god evrything is well. iv been called back in two weeks for another scan to make sure all is well...also what is a fetal pole??
The fetal pole is a thickening on the margin of the yolk sac of a fetus during pregnancy. It is usually identified at 6.5 weeks with abdominal ultrasound imaging, and 6 weeks with vaginal ultrasound imaging. However it is quite normal for the fetal pole to not be visible until about 9 weeks.
wikiipedia :)
Awwh i'm so happy everything is OK !

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