Please Help Me :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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I have recently found out that I am pregnant and went to the doctor for an emergency scan as I was feeling unwell. By dates I should be 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant...but the doctor only saw a 5 week old sac and she said that the baby could have stopped growing :( Did this happen to anyone else? Should I be worried?

Please write back


Sorry ur going through this, I really not sure about this mayb some others can help ya but i just wanna send lots of hugs and let ya know we r here if u need us take care let us know wot is happening

:hug: :hug: :hug: puppy
Hiya sorry you are having a worrying time, has the doctor asked you back for a scan next week to see if baby has grown? I have heard of this happening where on the next scan the baby has grown and the dates have just been wrong so maybe you ovulated later then you think or something, unfortunately I have also heard similar stories having a not so happy ending (sorry not wanting to worry you more just didnt want to be lying by only telling good side)
The best thing as difficult as it is, is to try and relax put your feet up stay as calm as possible and keep possitive and hopefully when you go back your little one will be nice and healthy having grown let us know how you get on :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yeah I have to go back next Thursday...just really worried that it's not going to be ok :(

Thanks for all your help so far :)
I expect it will be a long week for you, waiting for my PCOS test results last week was hard enough, but hopefully it will be good news at the end of it will keep everything crossed for you! Im the mean time look after yourself and we're all here if you need to talk! :hug:
Hi Kelly, sorry to hear of your worrying time :hug:

The same did happen to me, unfortunately not with happy results I'm afraid. But having said that, I was always measuring 2 weeks behind my dates, so that is a big difference. As already said, it could be that you ovulated later than usual (when did you get a positive result?). Scans this early on always seem to be a cause for worry, and not entirely accurate I don't think. I never had any bleeding, was scanned at 6, 8 and 9.5 weeks. Saw a slow heartbeat at week 8, but by the final scan it had gone :(

Anyway try to remain positive as there are many stories of this type with happy outcomes. Pregnancies develop at different rates so it could easily catch up. A friend of mine was put back 2 weeks at her 12 week scan, then the baby came 5 weeks early weighing nearly 7lbs!

I know exactly how you're feeling, but unfortunately there is nothing you can do but try to keep positive for the sake of your little one. It hasn't given up yet!

Good luck with the next scan - let us know how it goes x
The thing is that i took a test about a week before my period and it came up negative then i took a test on the first response test on the 5th of June the day that my period was due and it came up positive :wall:

I'm really so confused about all this and the doctor wasn't exactly full of help. :(
I can only send you my best wishes and sincerely hope that all turns out ok

Chin up and think positive hun xxx
I just keep thinking that surely if I had lost the baby I would have been bleeding or had cramp or something? I have hd no symptoms of a miscarriage :?

And I am still really sleepy and feeling quite sick...but never actually being sick :(

I can't believe being pregnant could be sooo worrying....i have a massive amount of respect for anyone who has evwer gone through pregnancy :D
Hiya kelly :wave:

I had something similar with tia, by my dates which were spot on cos i remembered when my last period was, i was 7 weeks when i had my first scan. But when the sonographer started scanning she said that all she could see was a sac at about 5 weeks with no fetal pole in it. She said i was to go back and be re scanned at 7 weeks to see if the pregnancy was viable (that a baby was growing inside). I was so worried that it was a blighted ovum or something similar after reading stories on here, i was s**t scared and they were the longest 2 weeks of my life.

But when i went back 2 weeks later you could see the little faint outline of her body and see her heart beating. I sobbed and sobbed cos id set myself up for heartache and there she was as strong as ever.

I know some ladies arent so lucky but i hope my story at least gives you that bit of hope.

Take care hun and let us know how you get on :hug: xx
Hi Kelly, with my first pregnancy I had this, with not a good outcome, but you will read plenty of ladies on here have had similar scares, with it all working out fine :)

So best wishes to you, and we are all here for you on this board, but don't despair just yet :hug: :hug: I bet a good few of the ladies on the first trimester board, have had similar scans, and gone on to be ok. :)

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