Girls Please Help

scared 19

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2005
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I am so scared, i am really sorry to have to ask you all this but it is hurting and scaring me so much! it most embarrasing for me and will probably make you cross your legs but i am so scared..... Has anyone else ever had like a lump inside there girly bits?? not up but to the side it feels a bit like a gland i had glandulafever and have had this 2 times before the first time i was in so much pain i couldnt even drive!! i had to lift my self off the wheel to change gear!! but it went down after about 2 days it just disappeared gradually the second time no this is gross and i am so sorry but i need help i was at work and i felt like i had come on so i went to the toilet and there was a lite green horrible discarrage and lots of it! i went home got changed and it had gone by the next morning, but as you girls will no when something happens and your pregnant you worry more i dont think that this cud effect my baby but i am just so scared i dont want to go to the doctors just incease they do an internal and hurt my baby but i dont no what to do it hurts so much and i feel so poorly all i do is keep crying!! just after i found out i was pregnant i was getting a discarrage so i rang the hospital because that is what this book i have said to do they told me then that the discarrge i was getting was normal and not to worry unless it was green now i dont no wether this will happen or wether it will just go away but i am so scared some one please help me!!!

i am so sorry to be a pain i just really need some help
:oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry:
It could just be something as simple as a fungle infection like thrush. I'm off to docs to ask about that too as disharge has picked up. It's a lot more common in pregnancy. Have u made a docs appt?
might just be a spot chick that has got little bit of infection in it? have you tried something mild like dabbin bit of comomile lotion on it? i have come out in huge nasty spots on my back (know its not quite the same!) but lotion really helped soothe them! if your really worried though ring your doc im sure there used to embarrasin bits all the time! x
I really wish it was a spot or atleast the size of a spot! it is more like the size of a grape :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: not really sure if i can put anything on it, my mums friend said that she had them too and it was just an infection but being pregnant it has really scared me!!
Thank you so much for replying so quickly it means a lot god i hate this tho it hurts so much n i have to put on a brave face because i am at work!
how are you guys feeling anyway??
I'm surviving sweetie - just worried about you and your grape now!! :shock: it's porbably justa galnd, I had that happen a while back, dont know what it was - it just went down though. Din't have any discharge at the same time though.

Did u get my PM ?
I don't know if this is any help, but I have always been a lumpy person and used to suffer from little lumps forming on my cervix. I was worried because they used to grow and then pop, making you feel like you had come on.

I went to the docs and had an exam, and they were tiny harmless little cysts.

Don't worry. And never be afraid do go to see your GP.
Thank you for that i am just so scared i dont want to harm my baby... what wud you guys do??
I'd go to te docs just to get it checked - better safe than sorry I think even though it's probably nothing to worry about babe. xxx
i will ring them now and just ask to have an over the phone appointment they do that because i am at work all this week, i will let you no what they say xx thank you so much for all your help girls
Just spoken to the doctor and the conclution is that it could be an infected cyst if i am really worried about it then i can go to the doctors and see them there but it was a man and i didnt want to do that but because i have had it twice before and they went down on there own he said i could leave it till 2moz and see if it goes down but if it gets worse or i have any shoot pain then i have to go see them, so i feel a little better i guess but u guys helped the most thanx so much ur all gr8!! :D i will do an update 2moz to let u no how this horrid thing is doing!!


Thanx again guys ur all wkd :D


Liann and Sweetpea
Glad it went okie babe - I've just got back frm docs and the anti biotics i'm on have given me (dare I say it out loud) Thrush! :oops: :roll: Stupid anti biotics are so strong it happened straight away :roll: Nice.

At least all your bits are in order :lol: make sure you ring them if anything changes though hun.
thanx bab i am still so sore dont no how i got through today it has been awful!! i feel so poorly i really do! but enough of my moaning how are you?? did they give u something for it??
Yeah got cream for now and then pessaries (yuk) when I've stopped taking anti-biotics. She said it should be okie even if my cervix is open a little bit because the stuff won't go up there. Still a bit dubious to be honest.

Moan away love - I like listening to you moan - makes me sound like I'm normal haha :lol: Not that you're not! I mean that I'm just as bad.

oh shut up Sami :roll: :wink:
Hey scared...

I may be a little bit late with this info, but about 2 months before I got preggie, I had an infected cyst about the same size, just on the lip of my labium on the left. I was going to the doctor, when it popped itself. (sorry about TMI) I asked her at a later appointment and she said it was a Bartell's (sp?) cyst and quite common. It's a blocked gland - all your pheromones come out of the glands down there and one of them got blocked, that's all. It might go down and then come up again a few months later, in which case the doc can remove the little pouch it forms in. It CAN be caused by an increase in sexual activity, such as when a couple are trying for a baby.

Sami- you too? I was on antibiotics for a bit and now I'm SOOOO itchy....think I'm thrushy too...yeucchhh....going to the doctor tomorrow. Since I got preggie, I see so much of the inside of that woman's office!

Hi girls thank you so very much for all your help it was so appreciated, last night i decided that i need to get this checked for my baby's sake not just mine! so i went to the hospital and they had a look it had already started to open and was draining itself so he gave it a helping hand Squeezed it sorry tmi i no but my god it hurt so much i feel beta down there today but i was up all night and i mean every hour being sick n i still feel so sick today but guess what i got to see my baby!!!

He could tell i was worried so he did a scan and there was my little sweetpea with a good strong heart beat!!!!!!!! i cryed i was so happy! i just want to thank you all again and tell you that i cudnt of got through all that with out your helpful words and advice, Thanks girls Your all Amazing!!

Love Liann and Sweetpea

It might be late for you but I have a friend who suffered a similar thing except she is not pregnant. Several times a year she has a lump growing at the same place and it grows until it bursts. she said it was so painful she could hardly walk sometimes and when it bursts, it is a greenish colour and it smells bad ( sorry for the info). the doctor told her it is an infected gland and she needs to be operated to remove it once the lump has grown but not burst. Poor her, just a few minutes before the operation, it did burst and she could not have the operation so she is stuck for a while now.
I do not know if it is similar to what you have but if it is maybe you need to ask your gp if it is not an infected gland.

hope it has all gone by now,
awww babe I'm glad you got you 'grape' sorted out!! Haven't spoken to you for a while. Glad you got to see your little bean. Must have been sucha releif to see! Glad your not going mouldy on us!! Take care hun - chat soon xx
Tiny Sue said:
Sami- you too? I was on antibiotics for a bit and now I'm SOOOO itchy....think I'm thrushy too...yeucchhh....going to the doctor tomorrow. Since I got preggie, I see so much of the inside of that woman's office!


I know exactly what you mean sue! I'm in there all the time!! LOL - the receptionists even have a chat with me on the phone when i book appt's and when I go in!! :shock: got to go back in next week if my dizzyness hasn't stopped (which unfortunately it hasnt :evil: ) so I guess I'll be there again sooner than I'd like!

Hope you got your thrushyness sorted out lol :lol:

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