please help me kill time waiting for baby...


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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Thats it. Im here. My due date....

and I think Im gonna go stir crazy if I don't occupy my baby obsessed mind with something else. I need something to do, preferably something that doesnt involve spending money.

Ive only just reached my due date and Im getting impatient already! Imagine what Im gonna be like in a few days time.

Please someone suggest some time killing activities... online games, things to do around the house! ANYTHING!


aww happy due date hun! how about going for a long walk? might get things started! i play games on if im bored! good luck...thinking of you!

lots of labour dust to you :hug: :cheer:
you can come and clean my house if you fancy it ha ha :lol: :moon:
have you prepared all of the baby's stuff and room. or you could wite xmas list (of stuff u need to buy) or go to sleep in till baby decides to show...........sorry thats it im out oif ideas.
sorry i did not mean to moon u in that last post.... dont no what happened there
happy due date, maybe try and sleep or catch up on some chores?
I suggest going to your local library, and picking up a nice book (or sending your OH). Just snuggle up in bed with a cup a tea, and believe me, you're set! Books are great for taking your mind off things.
yes a rubbish girly book! :cheer:

I go on forums, and edit on wikipedia- I easily 'waste' a loot of time on those 2 things :)
What about some Sudoko books or dig out your fave Dvd's?? Bake something yummy!!
- meet up with friends
- sort through DVD collection and find something you want to watch
- go for short walks
- cook and freeze food for the weeks after the baby arrives

Happy Due date :cheer:
happy due date hun

just try 2 relax and enjoy ur last few moments without responsibility- im soooo glad i did plenty of that while pg coz a baby takes up so much time and energy.

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