I would listen to all the helpful advoice your given, smile say thanks , and then try some of them if your way is not working, or not, you need to find your own way. there is no rule book or bible of motherhood!
Your way is the way that things work for you and your baby, they will all be different and we all have different lives and routenes, you will just find out what works for you very quickly so don't worry about it.
I would say tho - take photos all day long, they grow sooo fast and will be teanagers in a flash!
I have Devon in the lounge in the moses basket, so I can watch him sleep around what I'm doing
My second son always got put in the cot in the bedroom, so I could play with my eldest and I felt I missed alot of his early stages and he grew too quickly - treasure every moment - Devon is already approaching 2 weeks old - I just had him yesterday it seems!
Oh and always make alot of noise right from day one(especially with first babies), use the hoover, have tely on , chat loudly with your mates , music etc. Babies will adust straightaway and sleep through it. If you don't they end up waking at the slightest noise and you have to creep round them! (not a problem this time with my 3 very loud kids!)