please help having bloody show


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
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was standing doing dishes there and got a bit of cramp and went to toilet to find a little discharge with blood in it. Wiped a few more times and there is more. Took over 10 mins to get hold of a midwife at the hospital cos mine OBVIOUSLY isnt there. they just told me to take paracetamol if im in any pain just now and to phone back if my waters go or if i get contractions.
I never had this with my first. Is this a defo sign of labour?
Im feeling crampy still and had more of this blood stuff. I feel like my period is coming on or something but no definate contractions as yet.
Starting to get scared lol and im shaking :shock:
it can be anything from now to a few weeks after loosing your plug but the period signs with it too look good eh :)
Hey hon, could be the start of things but u can also lose plug a couple of weeks before having bubs so it will be a bit of a wait and see game for you now.... really exciting tho and I hope this is it for u x x x x
i lost my plug about 3 or 4 weeks ago this is fresh blood
Oh im scared now lol
Had sex this morning lol, oh is getting a black eye when he gets in from work!
could just be more of a show but does sound promising :) how far along are you?
aww dont give him a black eye he might of just done the trick for you lol save the black eye for labour lol
good idea lol
Im 37 weeks and 3 days but her head was already engaging yesterday, 2 5ths engaged with 3 5ths palpable
Plug and bloody show are the same thing arent they? Hope this is a good sign for you! :) xx
could be dont get your hopes up just in case i hada few false starts with my last and it made the waiting seem longer lol

make sure you only get 1 eye you would want the pictures looking bad would you haha
I had a tiny bit of blood 2 days before then bright red blood in labour! I don't think it'll be long until you have your baby!! x x
im trying not to get too worked up or excited but feeling really constantly crampy from the bottom of my belly into my legs. Is it ok to have a bath if your having your show?
thanks everyone i will go have a bath and try to relax for a while but will be back on later to update
Well im still having a constant period type pain that wont go away!
I was up more during the night for a wee than normal too but still managed to get a good few hours sleep but like i said, this period pain has been constant since last night and only eased off a bit when i was in the bath for half an hour last night but as soon as i got out again it came straight back.
I really dont know whats going on as its completly different to my first time.
In a way at least if it was coming and going or turned into contractions, i would have a break from the pain for a few mins. Ive always had really bad periods and thats why i always get the contraceptive injection cos it stops my periods altogether and this is reminding me how bad my periods used to be.
Wish things would just either stop or get a move on!
Feeling sorry for myself this mornng now :(
Hope things arent too bad for u still today and the cramping stops have you used hot water bottle or wheat bag to help with the aches?
hope it either turns into contractions or the pain stops for you hun x
i might fill the hot water bottle once my daughter goes to school, that way i can relax on the couch. i might phone my MW again too after 9am just to see what she says.
just take some paracetamol and try to rest if the bath eased it go for a nice soak
just thought id update a bit.
Still sore and getting pains in my back and braxton hicks but also been to the loo 4 times today so far for bowels (sorry tmi). Is this another sign? ive not had diahorrea so not sure if this means anything or not!
I've been told that going to the loo a lot is a sign as the pressure goes on down below it clears everything out. Have you spoken to your mw today?
well she wasnt there (as usual) but the one i did speak to didnt seem concerened, i was just basically told to wait til either my waters break or i get contractions that i cant handle before going to the hospital! You need to be practically doubled over in pain before they take any notice of you these days! with my first they told me to go straight in and i stayed there til i had here 12 hours later but i know a lot of people that have been given a paracetamol and sent back home! the hospitals are too busy and under staffed i reckon!

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