Please don't let this happen **** Updated *** 8/10

Hi girls
I had an internal scan and they said that it looks like a normal 5 1/2 week pregnacy as they could see the yolk sack. However it is too early to tell if there is anything wrong and I have to go back next Friday at 8.30. I have a loooooong wait until I know if everything is ok. I still have cramps but I haven't bled anymore so that may be a good sign but I have had no pregnancy signs apart from tiredness but I have been ill. Shouldn't I have some symptons by now???
At least it looks ok so far as they could tell today hun! Hang in there and keep resting up. Fingers crossed all will be absolutely fine xxx
Sounds positive, Don't worry about lack of symptoms, I have had hardly any, apart from sore boobs occasionally
Sounds positive hun, try and get some rest and hope all is well at your next scan x x

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Oh that is good news :) Next week seems a long way off but will be here before you know it. Don't worry about symptoms - I didn't have anything at first and then just feeling sick but no actual sick, tiredness and boobs grew a bit and felt tender but none of this til about 7 weeks I reckon xxxx
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Just caught up. Glad all seems well hun. Fingers crossed for you. X

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