8 weeks and spotting...worried


Nov 12, 2009
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Hi All,

I was just wondering if any one else has been in the same boat as me. I am 8 weeks 2 days pregnant and me and my fiance are over the moon!! at about 6 weeks I had 3 days of very light brown spotting however this stopped. I was sent for a scan and there it was a little splodge with a little flashing heart beat... it was amazing!!

Yesterday when I woke up to go to work I went to the loo, wiped and there it was a very pale (not a blood like pink) when I wiped, this happened 3 times through the day only a tiny amount. I went to the doctor and she said I have really bad throush and she has given me treatment for it which I start tonight. I havent had the pink spotting today however I have had lots of yellow discharge..... has anyone had this... its all so worrying and this is my first!!! I dread going to the tiolet now just in case its bad news!!!

Did you have an internal scan? If so that would account for the spotting :)

Your cervix could just be extra sensitive in pregnancy, good luck in your pg and Welcome to Pregnancy Forum :D
As everyone else said, it's completely normal. There are so many things that can cause totally harmless bleeding - internal scans, sex, leftover blood from implantation. Some people have spotting or bleeding at the time their period would usually be due all the way through pregnancy too. I had a scan at 8 weeks with my first and on the scan they saw a pocket of blood outside the sac and told me not to be worried if I experienced any bleeding in the next few days as it wasn't anywhere near the baby.

And welcome to the forum :wave:
Hi no my scan wasnt internal it was external and at 6 weeks they did tell me I may need an inernal as they may not be able to see anything as its so early but they did the scan and there it was clear as a picture straight away!!

I would be due on around now so maybe that is it..... I know in my head its prob nothing... its so so light but the sight of blood sends your mind into over drive that the worst is going to happen!! I just hope my hormone tests will come back right next week and then I can totally relax and hopefully enjoy then pregnancy rather than being scared of every little twinge, back pain, ache etc etc!!! I think I am so parinoid as I have had a bad experience with a local hospital where a doctor told me under no circumstances will you have children etc etc and then when they actuall did a laparoscopy all was fine!! So now I worry even more so. But so nice to hear from you all!! I hope all of your pregnancys are progressing well!!! x
I had this too hun, im sure everything is just fine x

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