Play/stimulating LO how long?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Well J is 9 weeks old now and more alert and interactive each day. How long and how often do you stimulate your babies for? He gets about 30 mins on the play gym coz he really loves it. I do the tummy time mat or have him on his belly on me for 10-15 mins or until he gets tired. I read and sing to him and have cuddle time. Sometimes I feel I'm not inventive enough and worry that I don't do it enough or some days too much and he gets over stimulated. Just trying to figure out how much is appropriate.
Also Im playing catch up as I'm really only independently mobile the past week or two and want to find some group activities for me and J to go to.
I'll let you in to a trick that Tyler LOVES! whenever I'm on the phone I have him in his chair in front of me and I make eye contact while having a natter. He thinks I'm talking to him and coos and smiles and I get to have a chat!!!

I was wondering this kinda thing too, although Georgia is only 3weeks, shes starting to have more alert spells, just not sure how much entertainment a 3week old baby needs.

I do this

Play either on the mat or with me for about an hour
Nap usually about half to a whole hour
Then I put him in his bouncer when he wakes up til feed time

Then start again!

I take him to baby sensory once a week and baby group once a week too

Hv said he is quite advance in some of his development :dance: strongly believe it is because ofthe sensory class

Mummy to my beautiful boy, Orlando Ronald-1/1/12 @4.12pm weighing 6lb10oz
I usually play with Angel for 30 mins ie just flying the Freddy Firefly around which she loves and just letting her play with the toys while chatting/singing/cooing to her. I can usually play with her for around 30-45 mins before she gets tired. Then I alternate between putting her under her gym, in her car walker, tummy time, having cuddles. When we play with her handheld toys she can get quite fed up quickly so I let her play with each one for 5 mins or so before showing her another one :) xx

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