Thats sick, he should of been shot with the dog, poor baby has been robbed of her life because of him and that beast.

amnestly :shock:

i dont know if i could give a dog up because of its breed.

my parents have a yorkie. he is so viscous. ive got scars from him.

it annoys me so much that they rarely comment on other dog attacks. its always staffies (another one in the news today), rotties and pits.

what about yorkies, jack russels. border collies (thankfully mine are lovely though)

they always publicise the bigger 'nasty' breeds.

when in fact ive met maby rotties and staffys and they have been lovely soppy things.

i am also a strong believer that genrally its how the dog is brought up.
if you bring up a dog to be a guard dog or violent dog it will be. if broght up properly it will be one loving soppy dog.
glitzyglamgirl said:
Not all pitbulls are viscious - its the owners that can make them that way but otherwise they are loving and gentle. There are more bites per year from labs and collies believe it or not!

They are trying to pass a law right now in california to KILL all pitbulls in the state regardless of temperament and circumstances. Thats thousands of loved pets being destroyed for no reason, children having to be told thier beloved dog has to be put to sleep, its sick and twisted and shouldnt be allowed.

Have a look here, http://www.sorryagain.com, and please dont assume that all of these amazing dogs are like the handfull that get into the press.

Yes it is heartbreaking what happened to this family, its terrible, but the owners had already had a warning about the dogs behaviour so they obviously knew but didnt care that thier dog had the potential to be deadly - some owners buy these dogs because of thier hard tough image and take great delight in mis-treating them and "toughening them up" - its these sick people who are to blame, not the breed!

complete agree and as you probly all remember i stuck to my guns on this argument the last time people were blaming the dogs when it happened at that pub (i dont think u were here then ggg?)

poor girl..such a shame...ppl should have a license to own dogs...blame the owner they are the ones that trained the dog to b like that
cassi said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
Not all pitbulls are viscious - its the owners that can make them that way but otherwise they are loving and gentle. There are more bites per year from labs and collies believe it or not!

They are trying to pass a law right now in california to KILL all pitbulls in the state regardless of temperament and circumstances. Thats thousands of loved pets being destroyed for no reason, children having to be told thier beloved dog has to be put to sleep, its sick and twisted and shouldnt be allowed.

Have a look here, http://www.sorryagain.com, and please dont assume that all of these amazing dogs are like the handfull that get into the press.

Yes it is heartbreaking what happened to this family, its terrible, but the owners had already had a warning about the dogs behaviour so they obviously knew but didnt care that thier dog had the potential to be deadly - some owners buy these dogs because of thier hard tough image and take great delight in mis-treating them and "toughening them up" - its these sick people who are to blame, not the breed!

complete agree and as you probly all remember i stuck to my guns on this argument the last time people were blaming the dogs when it happened at that pub (i dont think u were here then ggg?)

poor girl..such a shame...ppl should have a license to own dogs...blame the owner they are the ones that trained the dog to b like that

No I wasnt here then, but im glad im not the only one who feels like this!
I spoke to my DH today about this, he works on an estate in merseyside, he says that there are a huge amount of people own x-staffys, x-english bull, they are all crossed pitbulls. Most of the owners are young lads, and they all have a key word 'shake it' the dogs have all been taunted and know the word 'shake it' to attack. They set the dogs on cats etc. they are a major gang accessory :roll:
I heard on the news that there are approx 66k attacks in the home and 61k attacks out of the home every year!! That is a lot of attacks
well thats it isnt it. i read in the paper the owner of this dog is a drug dealer. he must have trained this dog to attack for 'protection'

he also used to let it out to terrorise the neighbours. thinking it was funny.

enough said there i think
as i have said before u should have to gain a license to own a dog..or any pet for that matter
The Uncle should be charged with manslaughter, not that that will happen.
yes it is, heart breaking to see how they are treated, and how some are killed, but its also upsetting hearing of children mauled, you all saw how those dogs were when they'd been attacked imagine it on a child, noones disputing owners have alot to do withhow the dogs behave but there is always the chance ANY dog could attack, i just wont be taking that chance with my babi.

Poor animals shouldnt be treated that way, :cry:
it is a shame, its a shame for any one or anything that is being abused. but still the pics of the "cute" dogs with the babies still made me shiver. the parents are taking a huge gamble
I take what I read in the Sun as a pinch of Salt as in they usually just make half the stuff up or quote a ''source'' that has know knowledge/background to what there talking about

The BBC News Website though, I take more seriously and check this out

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/mers ... 229715.stm

So although it doesn't say this particular dog was being bread for fighting, my first guess would be that it was, and in which case the Uncle should deffo be sent down for Manslaughter.

Oh and I don't agree it is always 100% the owners fault, that would be a ridiculous statement
no its not but when the owners bring them up properly labradors and cocker spaniels and little dogs are more nasty by nature than pitt bulls!
this phrase in the video upsetted me most

when i was little my dad took me to a dog fight, when the losing dog wee'd and excreted on itself before dying, i was this only one in the crowd that didnt.....

explode with laughter :( :cry:
I can't bring myself to watch that link, it'll upset me too much :(
beanie said:
I can't bring myself to watch that link, it'll upset me too much :(

i was in tears but it does end nice beanie the first half bad :cry: second half good :)
I just hate to think of any living creature suffer. I hate dog fighting, its barbaric.

The news said that they have seized a number of dogs in liverpool that were being bred for fighting :D

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