children getting killed by dogs is some thing i am very passionate about too!
even if a dog has never shown any signs of being vicious dont mean it never wil be just because the owner loves it !
There made illegal for a reason!

Even when I have a baby I won't leave Sam alone with it EVER! He's a lovely dog but he's still a dog and can't be trusted 100%

Yes he's saved my life twice but still has the wild calling - all dogs do.
glitzyglamgirl said:
***going for a cigeratte before my hormones get the better of me***

Sorry guys if im seeming blunt but this is something im VERY passionate about.

I agree with you GlitzyGlamGirl it is how they are brought up. Although I would never have a pitbull, rotweiller or a staffy or anything along that lines with kids... I think its asking for trouble.

I remember when I was younger there was a guy on our street with a staffy. They use to get the staffy to attack cats, rabbits etc, and this dog use to just hunt cats down and kill them. One day the dog attacked the baby. Of course the dog was put down. But i think it was completley the owners fault.

If you teach a dog to hunt and kill cats and rabbits, what do you expect? A dog doesnt know any different! A baby is the same size as a cat/rabbit. So how does the dog know any different?

I was bitten by a boxer dog when I was younger. I think I was about 6, I remember the day, that dog would never hurt anyone!!! But i yanked its tail quite hard non stop, I remember my parents telling me not to touch the dog and my own fault the dog turn round gave me a wee bite. It did not sink its teeth into me, just a wee nip to show that it was sore ONLY.

I stand by my opinion that a dog suitably trained and disciplined is fine around children.
Im not denying dogs can be dangerous, but I think its wrong to blame and punish an entire breed. Cars kill more children than dogs, yet who would ban the car? Its still the owner and thier treatment of the dog or car that causes the problems.

If you want to talk about the wild nature of dogs, than surely you realise that dogs are pack animals and as such will take all thier cues from the alpha male - or in the domestic scene, thier owner.
Its a very contravertial subject and everyone has there own opinions I think. :D
I agree that I would never leave my doggys alone with TJ when he arrives, but I hope that we can all live together nicely.

If a person chooses to have a pet in the house with children it is their responsibility to make sure that nothing happens, the children should be taught how to treat the pets properly and the pets should know the limits as well and any good pet owner knows that, I also agree that dogs can sometimes be unpredictable but only when provoked.

We had a border collie before we got the two spaniels and he bit me, this was out of frustration as we lived in a flat and border collies are essentially working dogs and he wasn't getting enough exercise, we sent him to live on a farm as I would never have been able to forgive myself if he had turned on anyone else, either in the street or in my home. It wouldn't have been fair to the dog who would definitely have had to be put down.

Not sure if I have made any sense!!!
missac said:
I agree that I would never leave my doggys alone with TJ when he arrives, but I hope that we can all live together nicely.

If a person chooses to have a pet in the house with children it is their responsibility to make sure that nothing happens, the children should be taught how to treat the pets properly and the pets should know the limits as well and any good pet owner knows that, I also agree that dogs can sometimes be unpredictable but only when provoked.

We had a border collie before we got the two spaniels and he bit me, this was out of frustration as we lived in a flat and border collies are essentially working dogs and he wasn't getting enough exercise, we sent him to live on a farm as I would never have been able to forgive myself if he had turned on anyone else, either in the street or in my home. It wouldn't have been fair to the dog who would definitely have had to be put down.

Not sure if I have made any sense!!!

That makes perfect sense to me missac! :clap:
dionne said:
children getting killed by dogs is some thing i am very passionate about too!
even if a dog has never showed any signs of being vicious dont mean it never wil be just because the owner loves it !

Absoloutely agree with this. 100% the fact is that dog SAVAGELY brutilated that innocent baby girl and even though the owner had previously been warned.

Dogs can turn, in a split second, alot of the time yes owners fault but not always. Any animal that attacks once should be destroyed if that upsets anyone but im not going to apologise as how many more dead children or severly scared do we have to see before someone actually does something, if that was your child (speaking to everyone) I bet you wouldnt be so forgiving
if that was your child (speaking to everyone) I bet you wouldnt be so forgiving

If that was my child there is NO WAY i would leave her in a house with a pitbull anyway regardless if I think that owners of dogs are responsible for dogs behaviour. The same as I would never leave my baby in the room with a cat or a lab, or a snake or a chinchilla etc etc.

But i dont go back on my opinions that a well trained obedient dog will no the difference of right and wrong.

That dog attacked sum1 and got away with it before, then was put in a room again with a child. That case speaks for itself.
fingerscrossed said:
dionne said:
children getting killed by dogs is some thing i am very passionate about too!
even if a dog has never showed any signs of being vicious dont mean it never wil be just because the owner loves it !

Absoloutely agree with this. 100% the fact is that dog SAVAGELY brutilated that innocent baby girl and even though the owner had previously been warned.

Dogs can turn, in a split second, alot of the time yes owners fault but not always. Any animal that attacks once should be destroyed if that upsets anyone but im not going to apologise as how many more dead children or severly scared do we have to see before someone actually does something, if that was your child (speaking to everyone) I bet you wouldnt be so forgiving

I couldnt agree more that any dog that attacks should be destroyed, absolutely 100% agree, what im trying to say in all this is that I dont believe an entire breed should be wiped out because of the action of a few, as my first reply to this thread said.

Maybe there should be tighter laws, ie actually enforcing the lisencing laws for dangerous dogs, but owner responsibilty has a huge part to play in this and you'll find that in the majority of fatal dog attack cases the dogs had already attacked and the owners warned, but they still allowed the dogs bad behaviour to continue and let them be around children. Who is really to blame in that situation? The owner maybe, the dog itself maybe, but NOT the entire breed! Thats the point im trying to make.
lainey said:
But i dont go back on my opinions that a well trained obedient dog will no the difference of right and wrong.

Just to point out my Granddad had 7 dogs all trained exactly the same, all completely obidient, all who were loving dogs, now 6 out of these 7 dogs never ever bit, 1 bit once well bit me actually, unprovoked, my granddad grabbed that dog and shot it,

Cruel or Right?

Im not disagreeing for one second that if an owner has not trained their dog then it has more potential of being dangerous but that example also speaks volumes, 7 dogs all loved, trained and treated the same, one attacked.

And i also agree i wouldnt leave my child with a pitbull, or with any dog, to be honest,
PyscoFalcon said:
There made illegal for a reason!

Even when I have a baby I won't leave Sam alone with it EVER! He's a lovely dog but he's still a dog and can't be trusted 100%

Yes he's saved my life twice but still has the wild calling - all dogs do.

These dogs SHOULD be muzzled at all times if they are outside, and they are also on the dangerous dogs list, the reason they are on the list is because they are VERY strong and powerful dogs, bred specifically for fighting and so tend to be aggressive.
I have worked with dogs all my life and have dealt with afew pitpulls,, most of which have been very friendly but i would NEVER drop my guard with one or have them in the presence of children.

http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/welfare ... c/dogs.htm

Pitbulls need an owner who is experienced in this sort of breed they are not for you average dog owner.
And as for someone comment about banning all dogs - that is just stupid!
I think they should bring back dog licencing and have a dog ownership course that you have to complete before owning a dog.
fingerscrossed said:
lainey said:
But i dont go back on my opinions that a well trained obedient dog will no the difference of right and wrong.

Just to point out my Granddad had 7 dogs all trained exactly the same, all completely obidient, all who were loving dogs, now 6 out of these 7 dogs never ever bit, 1 bit once well bit me actually, unprovoked, my granddad grabbed that dog and shot it,

Cruel or Right?

Im not disagreeing for one second that if an owner has not trained their dog then it has more potential of being dangerous but that example also speaks volumes, 7 dogs all loved, trained and treated the same, one attacked.

And i also agree i wouldnt leave my child with a pitbull, or with any dog, to be honest,

Yes I think your grandad was right to shoot the dog if he attacked you.

However.......7 dogs in one home is more than the norm but it doesnt mean that 1 in 7 dogs will be viscious - although im betting that having that many dogs in one home means its more likely one of them will be viscious,. it all comes down to the pack mentality.
I also think its a joke,

The dog is ilegal but if you have a licence u can keep one.

WTF is that all about?

Its the same as guns they are ilegal but if u have a licence u can keep one.


I think this topic will go on and on and on, everyone has there own opinions on this and nobody IS WRONG with their views.
lainey said:
I think this topic will go on and on and on, everyone has there own opinions on this and nobody IS WRONG with their views.

absoloutely i respect everyones opinions and not for one second am i suggesting that 1 out of 7 dogs will be viscious just putting across any dog can turn, and it isnt always down to the owner and neither should excuses be made, if its attacked its attacked, none of this fireworks, maybe it was but if a dog has it in it to attack then it will, exactly the same as a human will.
not for a second do i think a whole breed should be wiped out however if they are illegal they shouldnt be here, like guns, like anything else illegal.
i think by alot of peoples stories on here any dog can turn.
so i dont think that the risk should be taken with the 4 breeds banned in this country under the Dangoures Dogs Act.
there is no reason for it
Yeah I guess it is a very emotive topic, its good to hear everyones views though and debate about this kind of thing dont you think?

I think i can just get a little carried away sometimes lol

Maybe we should take this thread back to its orignal intention and spare a moment to wish that poor little girl peace in heaven, and strength to her family and friends. I cant imagine what they must be going through.
dionne said:
Its heart breaking.
Poor family they went out new years eve and this was the outcome


i think all these vicious dogs should be made illigal

there was a thread about a similar story a few months ago.
my views have not altered.
dogs such as pitt bulls, rotweilders and dobemans and other dogs bred for killing should be culled.
budge said:
there was a thread about a similar story a few months ago.

i remember that threat, another innocent child killed.

When will there be stronger enforcement against such beasts
Hmmmmm Im kinda on the fence here and kinda not!

I don't think owners can be held responsible at all times, however at othertimes they can so its a no win situation in that respect for me. I know of people who owned dogs and trained them for example to ''kill'' (i.e attack'') which gives them a bad/nasty temprement on the other hand when I was 2 and in my grandads back garden, there were about 6 adults about and their Spaniel dog that had never hurt a fly and had a soft temprement, he came and lay down next to where I was sitting, I had moved and pushed my hand on his bum (i was only 2) and he turned round and bit my face and took a chunk out of my lip (I still have a scar if I pull it taught - and my top lip is a little thinner as they had to pull it together to stich it). I dont remember this, its what my parents said, it happened sooooo quick, I was not left alone and the dog had always been loving and treated well - IIRC they had the dog put down just incase! So treating a dog badly or well IMO does not mean it will or will not attack someone!

I agree though killing a whole breed is way to much out there - in this case in cali, they should assess each family dog on temprement etc (do a series of tests) and base it on that - even then not necesseraliy kill it but force them to give it to a breeder out of state or something similar and perhaps ban future owners from buying them.

OH's family have a Rotweiler and it is loving and everything, the have his Sis (who is 9) there and a niece who is 7 there (both obviously been about with it for the past 2 years) and in the past year his sister was living there with her baby and no problems what so ever - they usually tbf keep the dog out of the room (when the baby was there I mean) and someone was always with the baby - but personally I have started worrying about ever leaving my LO there - I dont mind if Im there as I can control whats happening (i.e not letting the dog near the baby) but when im not there, even though I know the dog would not get near the baby as whoever was there would keep it away, it will always be in the back of my mind - what if, as it only takes a split second!

Poor little girl in this case, very sad, she will be looked after in heaven by the little angels

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