it just makes me wonder when people will learn that ALL dogs r dangerous, i would never trust hannah or kieron in a house with any dog, if i visit family or friends with dogs i ask if they can be put in other rooms
dionne said:
budge said:
there was a thread about a similar story a few months ago.

i remember that threat, another innocent child killed.

When will there be stronger enforcement against such beasts

i think that they should just all be slaughtered and done. They aren't pets they are bred for killing.

Responsible owners or not you can't stop a dog such as those from taking a small child or indeed an adult and ripping it to bits. it all makes me go cold thinking of it it really does.
rotties were originally bred for herding not killing, its bull terriors that were bred for fighting. It is the mentality of the owner who thinks he is well hard as he has a tough looking dog. They should be charged with being in possession of an offensive weapon if they do not train and control it right.

Budge my collie was more then capable of attacking and killing a child. He just was never given the oppertunity. As some one else said labs are responsible for biting humans then those 4 breeds. I agree with Mary - all dogs are dangerous, in fact all pets can cause harm. Just be responsible owners.
Firstly, what a heartbreaking story :cry:

i think that they should just all be slaughtered and done

Well I guess im one of the contraversial!!! I have a 5 year old Staffy. Id trust her 99 times out of a 100. But, like with ANY dog, ANY breed, there is always a chance. How ever i do not believe that my dog is any more dangerous than a Lab, Greyhound (i was bitten seriously by one when i was 7) or any other breed of terrier. Yes she is very strong, but the breed is renowned world wide for being a Nanny dog, because of their fantasic mannor with children,
Jazz is Charlies best friend, and they adore each other! I have never seen love like it :) I would always respect other mums and have never put them in the position of having Jazz around their children. I always make her stay in the kitchen.
I know there is a problem with people owning illegal Pit Bulls, and particularly in the Merseyside area, my husband has been offered them many times.
Its such a shame that such a story affects all 'killer' breeds of dogs, i expect the dirty looks tomorrow then i go out for our walk :roll:
Id like to see the dog license back too. It discusts me when i hear of the stupidity of irresponsible dog owners, they paint a black name for all the associated breeds.
my mum told me about this, its really shocking!!!
I heard on the news that the parents are blaming the government for not imposing stricter regulations.

This speaks volumes about the mentality of the parents that their daughter is killed by their own dog, about whom they have received warnings, and they look immediately at who they can blame.

I feel so terrible for the poor child who never had a chance in life.
What i dont get is, if Pit Bull Terriers are prohibited, then why six months ago council officials warned the owner about his pet’s behaviour.
Does nothing happen to you if you are caught with a 'prohibited' dog??
Just to say from my experience small terrier dogs are a lot more tempramental than bigger dogs.
My nan had Alastian dogs and i always remember happily playing with them no problem, her last dog was a cross alsatian/doberman yet it was like a kitten. You could do anything with her and we did..

My neighbour always had jack russel dogs and i remember one dog would always jump from the ground and bite my face when i was about 6/7 years old, this happened at least 3 times. The owner did absolutely nothing to reprimand it. In the end my dad went round there and gave the owner a piece of his mind.
My mum now has a West Yorkshire Terrier, and he has one of the most vile tempers i have ever witnesses, he has bitten every family member at least once and is so untrustworthy i wouldn't for one second trust that dog with my baby. I think this dog needs destroying as he is dangerous but my mum feels some sort of loyalty for it.

Big dogs get a lot of bad press, perhaps rightly so because their attacks are a lot more fatal, but i think we should remember that small dogs can be very violent as well.
hels said:
What i dont get is, if Pit Bull Terriers are prohibited, then why six months ago council officials warned the owner about his pet’s behaviour.
Does nothing happen to you if you are caught with a 'prohibited' dog??

you can own a pitbull just need to have the licence, but i heard on the news last night its not yet clear if the owner had a licence it is being investigated.
Pip, you are right about little dogs too, my OH and MIL-to-be we walking our West Highland Terrier on a public footpath recently, when she was rounded up by three Jack Russells!!! One of which bit her on the bum...they had come from a local stable, who had left the gate open.

OHs family had a Rotty as a childhood pet, he was a daft thing, much loved...MIL-to-be got verbally abused when walking him, people used to shout "killer dog"....this is going back a good few years.

This thread could run and run...its a topic everyone has strong views on.

God bless the little angel Elle-may she rest in peace now away from a world too cruel for her to stay :hug:
I would never ever leave Lydia alone with a dog - not any dog.

DH's mother has a bedlington terrier and a rotweiller/japanese akita cross.

when we go round, the bedlington is allowed to stay in the house but there are always 2 or 3 adults close by to supervise, but the rott is put outside in the garden and not allowed in.

I was once chased and almost bitten by a neighbours rottweiler when I was about 6 - it just went for me - I ran and screamed and then I don't remember what happened, next thing I remember I'm lying on the driveway and my dad + the neighbour are kneeling over me.

I don't care whether people say "they're not dangerous dogs, it's the owners that make them dangerous" - honestly I think that's a load of rubbish. I think certain breeds like pit bulls, rottweilers, and some others...genetically they have more wolf in them than some more placid breeds. It's not the dogs fault, it's true, but it's inside them, and you never know when they might turn on you. Even the most even-tempered dog can turn at any point.
I would never leave a young child alone with a dog either, thats just common sense in my view, but not just because the dog might attack but theres fur balls, the dog licking the childs face, and the risk of smothering to name but a few reasons.

I am slightly concerned that there seems to be a few people all too willing to see an entire breed, thats millions of dogs, just killed off.

Everybody has the right to express thier own views but it just worries me slightly, thats all.

Maybe its because part of my religion is to respect and understand the nature of every living thing, I just cant agree that culling an entire breed is nessacary. To me it seems barbaric and cruel, and stinks of racial cleansing for animals.

Someone has said that every animal can be dangerous, and thats very true, are we then to cull all pet varieties?

Maybe a more amiable answer would be to stop the breeding of pitbulls, and enforce the licensing laws so that only responsible owners can keep them, phase them out gradually. Its the wiping out in a flash that sickens me.
I don't think they should be killed off, but I don't think that they should be kept as family pets either. It's not worth the risk.
Glitzy, i agree certain breeds shouldn't just be culled... that's barbaric and absolutely unnecassary in my opinion...think of all the beautiful and loving pets that would die without ever deserving to and the heartbreak it would cause thousands of families.

Many dogs are perfectly fine as pets and i believe it teaches children an understanding and respect to grow up with animals...i would never rule out owning a dog, in fact i would love one in the future but want to concentrate on compeleting my little family first.

Doesn't mean i would ever trust a dog alone with my child, i don't think dogs are ever 100% safe.
i agree that pit bulls shouldnt b kept as family pets cos theyre fighting dogs but alsations and rottweilers are guard dogs and make great family dogs.

i grew up with 2rottweilers when i was little and they protected me when we went for walks etc and they would never turn on a human.

we did have a rescued rottweiler but were not told that it had bitten before and it nearly killed my little sister when she was 10mths old, shakin her about in its mouth like a rag doll. luckily she was ok after,just had scarring and the dog was destroyed. however it was upto the rspca to have told us that the dog was dangerous otherwise we would never have taken it home.

i feel so sorry for the girl and her family, but if the pit bull is illegal in this country, how did it get here to kill her???????
Thats a pitiful punishment, he knew that dog was dangerous and I bet he didnt care a toss, he should bne held responsible and convicted for manslaughter at the least!

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