PinkyPrincess Indution/Labour Thread!! Update Baby is here!!!!!

Just catching up on all this now!! Best of luck...sounds like your little one is not making it easy for you!! But at least you know you'll be holding your baby ver soon x
No baby and no sleep!! Been waiting 2 hours for my IV my OH is not happy and has just left getting a bit upset because he was leaving me in this state! I've had my nan on the phone asking why I'm having a csection (god knows where she got that from?!?) I've had to tell my family to back off as they won't leave me alone lol

No baby and no sleep!! Been waiting 2 hours for my IV my OH is not happy and has just left getting a bit upset because he was leaving me in this state! I've had my nan on the phone asking why I'm having a csection (god knows where she got that from?!?) I've had to tell my family to back off as they won't leave me alone lol

You poor thing!!! Hope you get to relax a bit! Thinking of you!

Oh Hun, so sorry that babe is not cooperating. I know how frustrating it is when baby doesn't appear when things have started. Sorry to hear your family are hassling and your OH is upset. It'll all be worth it when the LO does make an appearance xxx
Ohh deary me :(

Sending lots of wishes your way! Hoping things move along quickly for you!

Oh no! Fx for you and hope you and OH are ok x
So sorry Becky. I hope they get that IV in soon, you've waited long enough. Hoping maybe you can get some rest you need your strength.
Aw hun hope you are holding lo soon, Good luck xxx
so sorry to hear that Becky, cmon little baby you need to come out now, your mummy and daddy wanna meet you now!! thinking of you hunni xxx
hope things move along for you..will be worth it all soon fx ..xx
sorry to hear your having a hard time - fingers crossed he gets moving. Typical man - in no rush. xxx
Hope things get moving for you soon x
Just had s total freak woke up in agony so called the nurse for more drugs and examination got up after and red blood was dripping down my leg! Apparently this is normal :| still only 2 cms!

Noticed you're online hun. Hope you're doing ok. X
Hope they are helping u with the pain and u can get some sleep xxx
Stupid midwife! I asked for pain killers she said not for another hour, fine! I told her im still bleeding from my examination and she looks at me and goes 'well thats normal isn't it!' it's been hours! I want the day staff back on they are much nicer!

I'm thinking of you, so sorry that your having a hard time of it and that the midwife seems to be an insensitive plonker roll on shift change love, if its any consolation I think that you will be holding your little man before the day's out as the blood is definitely a sign that things are happening, ill be thinking of you I hope you get some pain relief soon xx

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