Picking things up off the floor!!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2005
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Does anyone else dread it when you see something on the floor that you have to pick up!! :?

This keep making hubby laugh as everytime I have to bend right down for something I moan and groan like an old woman.

There just isn't a dignified way of doing it........is there?
Yep im exactly the same! didnt realise how many things were at a lower level, I am now managing to do lots of things with my feet or toes to save me bending over :)
Oh yes!! I huff and I puff and have to haul myself upright holding onto things. Usually to the accompaniement of my OH saying 'you should've asked me to get that' - well, why did you wait until I was getting up again to offer????

If possible I squat down to pick things up, it's better than leaning over and I figure it must help develop my thigh muscles for the squatting involved in the birth!!
I have developed the cunny knack of picking up OH and step sons laundry off the floor (hello washing basket is in the bedroom!) by flicking it onto my foot lifting my foot up and picking it off with my hand, hey presto do bending over!!! Clever or what (probably what!) :D

I know what ya mean i dread picking things up but as soon as Bernie ocmes home form work he throws his sweaters all over the living room including his shoes where they dont belong, and goes upstairs strips off his dirty clothes and leaves them all over, and then after his shower leaves his wet towel on the bed and the bath matt on the floor instead of on the tub :evil: thats men for you i guess and i tell him everyday oh well i guess its an old habit you cant change.
I was squatting down to pick things up right from the early stages as I was terrified of doing my back in.

It seems to be paying off now, because I hardly have any back pain at all and my thighs are really strong. hoping this will pay off in labour.

But I must admit that when I drop something I do really huff and moan about having to pick it up :lol:
same here!!!
it's a hell and my knees hurt so much now!!!!! I dread having to pick up things from the floor but I am so clumsy, I put everything on the floor MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
not too long now, so hopefully i'll get better!

mel xx
hehe at least noone will blame us for not bending down in the most esthetic way

i got stuck at xmas because i was wrapping on the floor :x . i now leave everything where i can easily reach lol
lol Pips I got stuck under the christmas tree trying to switch the plug for the lights. I was like a stranded whale trying to get up again - not a pleasant sight!

I now bend with my knees sticking out oppostite each other and my bum sticking out the back - so sophisticated :eek:

L x
I think that someone had a sick sense of humour as the period where I really struggled to bend down to pick things up coincided with the period where I was at my most clumsiest and kept dropping stuff on the floor. It drove me mad!!!!

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