Physio Appointment Cock Up


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Was meant to be seeing a physio today at 5pm for my was booked about 3 weeks ago and my pain has been pretty bad on and off, so even though I haven't got long left I thought it was worth going.

Got a call at lunchtime saying they needed to cancel and rebook it because I'd been booked in to see the wrong person in the wrong place! I'd been booked in to an incontinence nurse clinic, lol, not physio....funnily enough when I booked it over the phone she had mentioned incontinence and I said 'no it's not incontinence, it's physio for SPD' and she said 'it's still the same clinic' :wall2:

So I tried to rebook today and both physio clinics are absolutely miles away and have no appointments till end of May/beginning of June anyway!! Fat lot of good that is when baby is due on 24th April and the condition usually goes after birth! So I said forget it and I'll struggle on....have good days and bad days and the bad days are bad, but I think I can manage as the end is in sight now xx
I would def not be happy with that!! Hopefully you will cope okay until the birth!!xx
Oh no hun that's terrible.

I hope it.settles down lovely I really do.
It's not good enough though lovely. Have you tried googling anythings that may help relive it for the next.few.weeks x x
Oh no hun that's terrible.

I hope it.settles down lovely I really do.
It's not good enough though lovely. Have you tried googling anythings that may help relive it for the next.few.weeks x x

To be honest I didn't think they'd be able to do much anyway. I know the basics like keeping my legs shut and I know it's worse if I do alot of walking. I am taking painkillers every day now which I don't like but GP advised me to. I agree it is a terrible service and I'm just glad I'm able to manage unlike some people! I guess if I was really bad I'd kick up more of a fuss but I can't be bothered at this the clinics are 2 bus rides away in places I don't even know and I really can't face all that hassle when I know baby will be here in a few weeks xx
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thats crap!! I was put on a waiting list for physio weeks and weeks ago now and the doctors say i could be waiting until June - well im due in May!!! Its ridiculous x
thats crap!! I was put on a waiting list for physio weeks and weeks ago now and the doctors say i could be waiting until June - well im due in May!!! Its ridiculous x

Yeah it's a rubbish service really isn't it? Especially when condition is pregnancy related so you are obviously on a time limit! x
That is really rubbish amanda! Well done on you for keeping so positive though xx
Hi i have SPD i saw a physio on Friday and she gave me a leaflet on what to do during pregnancy the bullet points are as follows

Reduce or stop non essential activities

Avoid activities which cause discomfort

keep your knees together. Avoid crossing your legs and standing on one leg. sit down to put on your socks/shoes

Get into bed carefully. Sit on the edge of the bed, then keeping your knees together and bent, lie on to your side. Keeping your body and legs in line and knees squeezed together, roll on to your back/other side

Draw in the lower abdominal muscles, buttocks and pelvic floor muscles to brace the pelvis

Avoid lifting

Always sit with your back and feet well supported

Exercise within your pain limits

Small ice pack

Supported belts and walking aids

Stability exercises

I found most of this fairly obvious but she did stress the point of the small ice pack between the legs for about 10 mins a couple of times a day or before you go for a walk.

I hope this helps

There are a few bullet points on During labour and and a few on After the birth if you would like me to write them on here just let me know and i will happily do so
Gah, that's awful! I had my appointment last week and tbh, I didn't find it so useful. I got given a belt thing which is seriously the most uncomfortable thing in the world, there's no way anyone could wear these things normally. I got the obvious advice and three sets of exercises to do to try and strengthen things up down there now and for after the birth, and these (if you wish to do them) are:
1. Pull your pelvic floor muscle tight and hold for a few seconds, repeat 10 x
2. Pull your pelvic floor muscle tight and hold for a slow count to ten, release slowly and repeat 10 x
3. Pull the muscles behind your tummy button backwards toward your spine a small amount, hold for a few seconds, repeat 10 x
Do this set of three things 3 times a day.
Gah, that's awful! I had my appointment last week and tbh, I didn't find it so useful. I got given a belt thing which is seriously the most uncomfortable thing in the world, there's no way anyone could wear these things normally. I got the obvious advice and three sets of exercises to do to try and strengthen things up down there now and for after the birth, and these (if you wish to do them) are:
1. Pull your pelvic floor muscle tight and hold for a few seconds, repeat 10 x
2. Pull your pelvic floor muscle tight and hold for a slow count to ten, release slowly and repeat 10 x
3. Pull the muscles behind your tummy button backwards toward your spine a small amount, hold for a few seconds, repeat 10 x
Do this set of three things 3 times a day.

Oooh number 3 feels weird when you're 36 weeks pregnant!!! xx
What the hell do we pay our taxes for when we can't get important appointments when pregnant. I'm waiting to be reffered for my anxiety and stress in pregnancy as it's getting worse and when I was telling my mw the other day that I have my appointment to go back to speak to the psychiatrist about how my therapy has went but haven't actually been booked for any therapy she just said she thinks it will be a long waiting list. no wonder I have high bp. Aaaaargh.
If it helps though my physio was rubbish, and the belt is really uncomfortable, it's no use if you want to sit down cos it rides up x

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