Physical pain - how much?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I'm in 2 minds whether to go to work tomorrow. The midwife told me I would get a warning if I was about to start passing the remains in some stomach cramps. She warned these might be pretty intense. I'm a bit worried about getting home from work etc (or having an accident if it started quick and fast). I'm ringing the day unit tomorrow to discuss options about the medical management even though I'd much rather this happened naturally.

I know it's a bit TMI but I'd appreciate any comments/experience on this.

If you not comfortable by going into work hunny, listen to your body and look after yourself.
I didnt go through it naturally but they say medical management is like a natural mc and it all happened really quickly, i had one stomach cramp and it all started. Take care hunny, im thinking of you x x

Thanks for that.

I would take time off work but I don't want to tell my manager the truth about it. He has no idea I was pregnant and it is a piece of information I don't want him to know.

I don't feel right about telling porkies about it either. I think I'll see how I feel tomorrow, I'm not sleeping right so end up exhausted during the day. I could perhaps cite that as a reason.

I am really really disappointed my body isn't dealing with this As it should.
Everyone is different hunny and your body is doing what many womens would in your situation, please dont blame yourself or your body.
Could you not try and get some annual leave for this week until you feel up to going back in? Massive :hugs: x x

just say that you have a stomach bug...dont feel guilty about taking a little bit of time off work, with everything you are going through.

I did start to get the pains, gentle at first and then they got quite intense...the really intense ones that took my breath away only lasted about 10 mins before i passed the look after yourself. although i know everyone is different

I wouldn't feel guilty about taking time off, just say you are unwell and put your feet up and rest.

I know what you mean about not sleeping, I feel like a zombie most of the day.

Hope things work out naturally. Take care.

Hi hun, if you dont want to go to work, then dont. Everyone is different like girls said, it was very painful for me and paracetamol did not help, I was in bed all the time. Please take care of yourself.
I didn't have much pain at all. I had a natural mc at 6 weeks. It was like a heavy period for me, I was expecting big pains and got none really. Hope you're ok, I agree about not going to work if you don't feel up to it x

i had medical management with my mmc. i went for a 11.5wk scan and baby had stopped at 8.5 weeks.

i opted for medical management as they kinda said that id gone 3 week and my body had still not done anything on its own accord.

I had what felt like period pain and back ache and i literally no word of a lie coughed and it all came gushing out (sorry tmi)

i managed the pain on anadin and i had the medical management and bleeding on the thursday and was back in work on the tuesday as i wanted to keep busy and occupied - it was hard though and i should of took a bit longer off as i had bouts of tears.

Could you not tell your manager you have a bout of food poisoning or some stomach issue without relating to the miscarriage?

Thanks everyone.

Im not in any physical pain just yet but I'm a bit up and down emotionally. One minute I'm fine, infact I'm fine most of the day, but it just takes one thing to set me off and I could freak out. For instance, I couldn't get the car off the drive this morning because the neighbours visitors had parked awkwardly and I flipped and stormed back in the house and threw the keys at my husband!!! I'm not likely to do that at work obviously, but people will pick up any hint of a strange mood in me and start asking questions etc. And if I do get hassled I might end up snapping which I don't want to do because I cant explain why and don't want them to know. We have a restructure coming and as awful and wrong as this sounds I don't want them thinking I am trying for a baby because I wouldn't be surprised if any potential opportunities then passed by me
I didn't have major cramps either. I had a few which I knew was the start of it. Take care of yourself hun. x x
I'd suggest doing what you feel comfortable doing, the physical pain varies from women to women, me I was surprised of my pain threash hold to be honest. It was very painful, mild cramps, very very bad contractions (clearly not as bad as labour but still) so much at some points I couldnt even walk, shooting pains up the cervix etc
I'd suggest doing what you feel comfortable doing, the physical pain varies from women to women, me I was surprised of my pain threash hold to be honest. It was very painful, mild cramps, very very bad contractions (clearly not as bad as labour but still) so much at some points I couldnt even walk, shooting pains up the cervix etc

yeah i had the 'contraction' moments...i was also impressed with my own pain threshold......i thought i was a wuss til all that happened...especially when they did the internal exam and started cleaning inside my cervix with a cotton wool ball while i was getting the huge pains...i was a brave little soldier...(so my OH tells me)...xx
All three of my MC have been different, the first was relatively pain free,bit like a very heavy period, the second was so painful they thought i had a ectopic pregnancy as it was all one side and then ended up on morphine cause i was in so much pain and the third i had a D and C but was still really painful. but i had time off work for all of them i was just so not myself and didn't want anyone to know what was going on so just told them i had womens problems and that is what the DR put on my sick note too.

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