Phone Contracts Advice Please


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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I took out a phone contract with 3 on 28th December last year.

Ive decided I want it to be cancelled on the 28th of December this year as I think I got a bit of a bum deal and im paying so much money a month for the minutes/texts I get.

So I emailed 3 and asked them how I go about cancelling it in December.
They have written back and told me that I have an 18 MONTH contract and that if I want to cancel it beforehand im going to have to pay over £200 for the remaining months line rental!!!!!!

When I took the contract out im pretty certain that it was for 12 months. I have now written them an email in response telling them I still want to cancel the contract and that I WONT be paying the £200 line rental fees as I was told at time of taking out the contract that it was for 12 months.

Am I right to have said that???? I think I may have been hasty, but they never said anything about 18 month contract to me the b*ggers.

Im worried now they might cancel my contract and just bill me for £200!!

What do you guys think?? The email was very firm, but polite.
most contracts are 18 months now but itf they didn't tll you that when you took it out then you're within your rights.
i have 2 contract phones with 3 and they are both 18 month contracts, id check on youre paperwork that you got with the mobile..but yeah its usually 18 months. What is you're current tariff? If you do want to cancel and just pay it then phone up and drop the tariff to the lowest it will be £25 for a month then you can drop it to £20 then you owe them £160 not £200 .
Mines a 12 month contract with O2 online. They will send you confirmation of this with your phone so check the small print :)
It is an 18 month contract!!!

Im so annoyed that no one pointed this out when I took the contract on, I was damn sure it was for 12 months as OH took one out the same day with O2 and his was for 12 months.

There isnt really anything I can do is there because I signed the contract??

Damn it my luck is just crap at the moment, im SO annoyed they didnt tell me.
tell them youre strapped for cash, your having a baby, etc and is there anything they can do for you. worth a try.
Just phone up 3 drop you're tariff to £25 a month for a month then call back and drop it to the lowest £20 and try and only use you're free minutes and texts and not go least then you're bill will only be £20 a month +VAT ..

Cas xx

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