PF aunties..which is your favourite name??

I knew a little boy called Seth, used to babysit him and he was the most adorable baby ever!!! :)
I llike Seth, Will & Theo,xx
My youngest is called Theo - it means Gift from God (and mine certainly is that cos he nearly didn't make it here)

I love Seth as well but OH wouldn't consider it!

Our boys name for this one is Eli (OH is convinced it's a girl but he's completely wrong lol)

I know what you mean with regard to the long surname - OH's surname is 13 letters and greek to top it all lol so we are set on short christian names too.

When I had my eldest I had 2 names and decided when he arrived and he just "looked" like one of them so I think that's a good idea :o)
Seth was my favourite, but saying it outloud with your surname it doesnt work as well as Leo. Zak also doesn't flow brilliantly. I think saying them outloud is v helpful, though of course the first name doesnt actually have to flow with surname, mine doesnt now I'm married, it sounds wrong together, but its not debilitating or anything! xx

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