

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I spoke again to my midwife about pethadine today.
I said I was wary of it because of the "out of control" feeling you can get with it and the possible side effects for the baby.
She said that the regular dose is 100mg, but IF YOU ASK you can get it in 50mg, this way you stay in control, and can see if it agrees with you or not.

She said she's rarely seen anyone really out of it, and in 6 years of being a midwife she's never seen a baby born suffering the effects of it.

I almost want to try it now, she really made it sound like a good option.

Opinions anyone?
I was not going to have it, but was in so much pain the out of control bit outweighed that.

I took it but my adrenalin and pain was pumping through so it did not touch the side, I did not feel out of it or get any relief - trust me, I need hardcore drugs - lol )
I had pethadine and oh my god was it good!!

After 29 hours of labour i was knackered and as soon as i had the shot of pethadine i went straight to sleep, even though i was 9cm dilated and having major contractions!!
I was still focused when it came to pushing BUT the only downfall was Amy was sleepy when she came out, it took a couple of minutes to bring her round
It didnt work on me at all, was really strange!

the midwife said i might go a bit "spacey" but i didnt, it didnt take one bit of pain away either, not sure why it didnt work
You have to consider the effetcs that it will have on your baby.

It crosses the placenta leaving the baby tired and sleepy after birth - this could hinder breastfeeding etc.

I personally wouldn't touch it with a barge pole but thats my proffesional opinion.

Good luck

I was induced with my first child and i had Pethadine. all it did was make me vomit, it never gave me any relief whatsoever. So i would have to say that i would go with Kerry on this one.

Well everyone is different,

I got told before i had it that the mixture of gas and air and the pethadine will probably make me sick, and although i felt queesy i was glad of the time to rest after having the pethadine.
29 hours is a long time to be without sleep and rest, so i benefitted from having it but others may not.

Everyone's bodies are different, Epidurals don't work for some people, Gas and air doesn't work for some people but it does for others,

I would say go with the flow, you might be in so much pain that you are willing to try anything, yet you might not even need gas and air.

My daughter was sleepy after having pethadine, but i got taken straight to theatre after the delivery so i didn't get to breastfeed anyway as i didn't see her til 3 hours after birth.
My midwife said to me if a baby was born a bit sleepy they are given an injection straight away to counteract it immediatley. She said in 6 years of being a midwfie she had never seen the drug administered.
I don't know about this all now... I have always been dead against it but she explained that the baby is only affected by it is it is given too close to delivery.
Kerry thanks for your input, what are your views on Meptid?
Hi ya

A friend of mine had pethadine with her first and said it wasnt good, she said it made her baby lazy and wouldnt feed properly first of all, had to stay in hospital for 2 days. But to be honest i think everyone is different, I was out of it on Gas and Air but didnt use it for the last 1hour or so as just wanted baby out!!!!

Whatever you decide to do, good luck

Natalie x

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