Personal Question !


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:oops: I have got the worst constipation that I have ever had in my life its an effort to try and go !

Anybody got any tips on how to help it all get moving :lol: :oops:

Ta ladies x

Yuck, I have it, too!!

I've just been trying to eat my veggies and fibre, and to get lots of walking into a day. Sitting still just makes it worse! If it gets horribly bad, call your midwife and ask if it's ok to have an enema. :oops:
Oh yes I didnt think about that :think: I will ask her monday if there is any sort of tablets that I can take if not cheers hunny x

eww i had this its horrid isnt it? like you're not uncomfy enough!

after drinking loads and eating lots of fibre stuff mine was still a problem (about 3 days i think) and my dh gave my back and tummy a really long firm msg. well it def did the trick as all was resolved the next morning!

although dh swears it was what the massage led to that shifted it :oops: :lol:

could always try that if massage fails!

Oh yes what a great idea even if it doesnt work its a good excuss to have a massage ohh thank you Em !!! :D
Oh I had this last week!!!

I am eating between 35g-50g of fibre and drinking tons of water (but this is regular for me) so when I got constipated I had a fibergel, and within a day or 2, I was back to normal again! :clap:

Tam x
Thanks Tam I will keep that one in mind for monday !! ( I will be going shopping for that!!)

:oops: a coffee sometimes gets me going or a few glasses of water or lots of mints.
Ive tried the coffee but not the mints lol ill try anything right now its just soooooo uncomfortable! just mentioned the massage to the other half and he said he would but not till he gets back from his job which is 2 yrs away :? ( hes got a limo company ) lol I can't wait !!
Yeh they say that sugar free mints are good for clearing you out, they contain sorbitol which loosens everything up xxx
Hey...Shouldn't be in here but couldn't help myself.
My doctor suggested Senokot..does wonders! and i also have a bowl of fresh fruit a day. Lots of Fibre helps too!

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