Periods ????


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi Everyone, just wondering what to expect really. I had Darcie on the 21st Nov and had my first period on the 7th January was very heavy but only lasted two days and no cramps or pains with it. On the first day of my period I started the pill. Hoever the following Tuesday I started to bleed again really heavy and terrible cramps and this lasted exactly 7 days. I went to my doctors who advised that this was prob a breakthrough bleed coming from the pill. I was expecting period on the 7th (before the pregnancy I was like clockwork) but it hasnt come yet and there is not really any signs (usually my boobs get bigger, stomach bloated, etc). I think it is normal to be a bit irregular after childbirth but not 100% sure???
I had my baby on the 21st nov & bled for 6 wks then 2wks later had period - very heavy for most of it which lasted 10 days so now due this weekend. I have been told that they can be irregular so i'm just waiting at the moment to see what happens ( I also have PCOS so really want to know if being preg has sorted it out or if it still going to cause problems ) xx
i bled for 6 weeks after the birth and then had a period. went on pill straight after that (wanted to make sure my body had re-started its natural functions before starting it), not had a period since cos of pill but it doesn't affect everyone like that.
I had Charlie 27th october and I bled for 5 weeks, and have had 2 periods since, but now im patiently waiting for the next (which is currently 3 days late) so that I can start the pill again! Xx
I had my baby 5th dec and my first period was 21st jan lsted 5 days then came on again on 11th feb and its still not gone and its a lot heavier than normal and ive been feeling dizzy so off to docs tomorrow to check am ok
I had Tegan 28th october and still no period for me! x

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