Periods after birth - is this normal ??? (slightly worried)


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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I had Josh 6 weeks ago now by emergency c-section and bled heavily for a couple of weeks, which then started tailing off and by the time Josh was 4 weeks old and i stopped breastfeeding (2 weeks ago) the bleeding stopped and i just had normal discharge ( :? sorry if TMI).

Then a week later i had some of my usual period pains (which before getting pregnanct, always came on a few hours before my period started) and a short & light period lasted for 2 days .
Now a week after that one, my period pains started again this morning and low and behold, i seem to have just started another period :wall: :roll:

Is this normal ? My periods were always on time and like clockwork every 28-30 days, so why have i had 2 in a fortnight
Do you think i should worry - I have my 6 week checkup tomorrow so will mention it to the doctor but i wondered if any of you have had the same thing :think:

Sounds very much like you are still bleeding after birth rather than a period. You can get one by 6 weeks but it sounds like you have been bleeding on and off for a few weeks which is very normal for post birth bleeding or lochia as it is called- google that word and you should find some info.

The more you do the more the bleeding goes on. Mine used to go for a few days and then I would go out for a long walk with Rudy in the sling and it would be back with vengance again. Also, don't hold me to this, but i think I may have read on here that you tend to bleed for longer after a c-sec.

Hope that helps.

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