Period Type Pains?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Hi there everyone,

I have a quick question for you all.

For those of you who have become pregnant, did you feel as though you were about to come on, even before missing your first period? Were the pains as intense as period cramps?

I have heard this a few times, but wondered how many of you had experienced this?

Many thanks
kazlin x :)
I still get period pains now. Not as intense though.
Yes the day I did my test I felt cramps very similar to period pains, and a couple of days before. However, the test was positive, but still I get the occasional cramp. Mine were as bad as normal period pains. XXX
hey, yeh i felt them aswel, i actually got hem quite bad but heres me and baby at 20+3weeks and he's all healthy aswel. xxx let us no how u get on xx
I did get pains before my period was due (but obvuously didnt come) but they were not the same as my normal period pains
i cant remember dont think i did. didnt know i was pregnant until the time came for period. was wondering when it was but then i didnt note when my last one was so had no dates. OH said end of oct sometime mw guessed 25th. hosp said she was spot on.
Thanks again everyone.

Well I am a day late and I have to admit that whenever I am late I do begin to wonder.

I have all the symptoms of coming on, pains, feeling a bit miserable for no real reason, really tired (I fell asleep at lunch time at work in the week) and no energy.

I reckon I'll come on over the next couple of days as I have all the symptoms of a period about to start.

Thanks again :)
i had period pains untill i was about 9 weeks pregnant... :hug:

good luck hope you get a bfp soon :hug:
Hi :wave:
i really felt like my period was going to start when i found out i was pregnant even for the first few wks of pregnancy i had that feelin my period would start but it never did so good luck hun :hug:
Just a quick update.

I came on today, but at the moment very light and not much pain which is good. I do tend to suffer every month with nasty cramps to start with, so I am just glad that I have tomorrow off work :)
OMG! you read my mind!

Iv had bad period like pain since thursday of last week.

Hospital confirmed i am def pregnant and its just my body getting used to not having the 'normal monthly'.

I was so worried, at least you lot are similar to me! lol
yes mine was a bit worse! my normal period pains arent that bad; when i fell pregnant i didnt take a test til i was 6 weeks coz i was convinced my period was around the corner!
Yeah ive been feeling like im going to come on, its been on and off for about a week x
I'm 6 days late - and have got real intense period pains..... ones that make me bend over in pain..... never been 6 days late before.... anyone had this and still been pregnant (i tested 2 days ago and got a BFN)

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