Period Pains


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
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Hi I'm about 8 weeks pregnant, I think (at the doctors today to try confirm how many weeks I actually am). Last night around 6pm and 3am got really bad period pains that lasted about 20 mins, kept going to the toilet to see if there was any blood as was sure I was gonna come on. Has anyone else had this? It is around now that I'd be having my period if I wasn't pregnant, not sure if this has anything to do with it or not. (although don't normally get period pains with my period, nothing that bad anyway). Thanks Danielle x :hug:

I have had the same thing several times, i was due on 2 days ago and ive been getting little peiod cramps/aches. Last month when i missed my period i had period pains and no blood which is when i realised i was pregnant. Some womna get this every month through their whole pregnancy.

Try not to worry :)

Tiggy xxx
I had them yesterday, even that this stage. Its nothing to worry about hun as long as they arent constant and more painful than period pains :)
Thanks thats made me feel better. I had a m/c in Sept 06 at 6 weeks and then in Jan 07 I m/c at 11 weeks. I keep comparing all 3 pregnancies and worrying about anything that feels odd. Its wierd how hard it is to get pregnant in the first place and even then you've still got another battle trying to get to 12 weeks. Think I'm gonna drive myself mad! I'm trying so hard to enjoy it but also trying not to get my hopes up until I know I'm out of danger. it makes you so mad when you see people that don't even deserve babies that drink, take drugs and smoke throughtout their pregnancies yet for some people it means everything to them, they do everything right and it can still go wrong! xxxxxx
pinkangel said:
Thanks thats made me feel better. I had a m/c in Sept 06 at 6 weeks and then in Jan 07 I m/c at 11 weeks. I keep comparing all 3 pregnancies and worrying about anything that feels odd. Its wierd how hard it is to get pregnant in the first place and even then you've still got another battle trying to get to 12 weeks. Think I'm gonna drive myself mad! I'm trying so hard to enjoy it but also trying not to get my hopes up until I know I'm out of danger. it makes you so mad when you see people that don't even deserve babies that drink, take drugs and smoke throughtout their pregnancies yet for some people it means everything to them, they do everything right and it can still go wrong! xxxxxx

I was the same following a m/c at 8 weeks in Feb, I didnt let myself get excited and tried to enjoy it but was also scared. Now ive got to this stage i've realised that baby aint going anywhere so I need to stop worrying, im now really excited!!

How far gone are you, get yourself a ticker girl! x
Thanks. Think I'll be about 8 weeks. I had my period at beg of June then beg of July but 3 digital tests showed up positive on 25 July which if I conceived in July don't think it would show up that early therefore think I conceived in June and still got my period in July for some reason or it was just implantation bleeding. At doctors tonight so gonna ask for an internal examination or an early scan cos its really annoying not knowing plus I want to get a ticker! xxxx
Yeah they will send you for a dating scan, if I were you i'd say that you dont know when your last period was then they will definitely send you for a scan ;)

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