Period pain


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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I've just had in space of 5 mins quite bad period pain bump tightening I've felt like I've been nesting today and maybe I've over done it but defo don't feel right.
No point calling midwife she is pants and hardly ever in. Has anyone else had this baby is very active. X x

Having them now and have been for weeks. I had the midwife yesterday and she said he's on the brink of engaging which is unusual for it to be done early with a second. She said that will cause a lot of pressure and pains with tightenings. Not sure if it means they come early but deffo in a lot of discomfort.
Thanks hun that's really helpful.
It is.quite.painful and I am getting.a pressure feeling in pelvis.

My midwofe is useless abd referred to bits of my baby as lumps At my last appointment. Thanks.again hun. X x

all mine have engaged early but still arrived around the due date
I get period pains on and off, especially over the last few weeks and baby has been 1/5 engaged now for 2 weeks or so. My dull crampy period pains mostly come at night - think it's the baby growing and things stretching. I can also feel little shocks and sharp pains in my lady bits, which my MW says is the baby engaging further - feels like he or she is trying to scratch or bite their way out lol!
Thanks hun that's really helpful.
It is.quite.painful and I am getting.a pressure feeling in pelvis.

My midwofe is useless abd referred to bits of my baby as lumps At my last appointment. Thanks.again hun. X x

Oh tell me about it! It's lucky with have each other! I've only seen the same one twice! We should just keep an eye on the pain and rest where we can. Keep me updated tho hun xxx
Thanks lovely defo glad to have others in same boat. Take care of your self hun.
X x x
This.time its like heavy pressure down there. It takes my breath away sometimes although no plug loss or water loss so not too worried yet. If it.continues I may pop to docs on friday just to see poss get urine checked. My back is really.bad aswell pain wise and a few people.said to me I think he's early lol x x

This.time its like heavy pressure down there. It takes my breath away sometimes although no plug loss or water loss so not too worried yet. If it.continues I may pop to docs on friday just to see poss get urine checked. My back is really.bad aswell pain wise and a few people.said to me I think he's early lol x x

Hun, are you getting tightenings with these pains? I know that literally takes my breath away. Good idea to go get checked out by ur doc tho I reckon xx
Yeah I've had loads this evening. Just.gonna get in bath now and see if.that helps.
X x
Do you think you could be going into early labour hun? Hope a bath helps. How far on are you now? I can't see on my phone.

I'll be 34 weeks Sunday so not far enough.
I am worried only due to my pregnancy with dd as I went into labour with her at 25 weeks abd had to have it all stopped. Steroids injections and these tablets it stopped said I had a irritable uterus so worried it could be that again? What's the chances? Midwife is so crap its not even worth speaking to her about.

Currently in bath now had a few tightening but not as painful as out of bath.
I even took paracetamol yesterday as it was painful.
I don't know glad to have you girls to talk it through with. X x

Hope you're ok Jess - best get checked out if it continues, especially with history of premature birth. Even if baby is born now he'd be ok so try not to worry - but hope you don't beat me to it just yet!! ;-) xxx
Hope you're ok Jess - best get checked out if it continues, especially with history of premature birth. Even if baby is born now he'd be ok so try not to worry - but hope you don't beat me to it just yet!! ;-) xxx
Yeah don't worry babe.

I think you should go and get these tightenings measured and monitored as if they're shown to be too intense then they could give you the steroids again to mature his lungs. If they do that then bubbs will be fine xx
Gonna call from there. Thanks girls x x

Ok hun,

Take care and let us know how it goes

x x x x

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