Period Like Cramps


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Plz help , need some advice.....

Last night when i was going to bed i started to get period like cramps accross the bottom of my tummy, under my bump, i took some paracetemol and tried to get to slleep, although i pain wasn't unbearable it was enough to keep me up most of the night, it has eased off slightly this morning, but sill there!!
Also noticed that LO was moving around lots throught the night and he doesn't normally????

Would you bother the midwife??? :?
Never feel you are bothering the MW. Anything that has worried you is worth asking the MW about. You would feel wrse if you ever thought it was something you should have got checked out :hug:
I get period type crsamps if tally has a very active time, she likes to stick limbs outta my side and that triggers them for me.

Although it is probably normal if it's bothering you ring your midwife and they can put your mind at rest. Thats what they're there for so should understand your concern
hey hun. I did bother the mw with exactly the same thing two days ago LOL. well i won't say bother coz thats what they r there for.
I rang and said i feel kind of regular cramps which r coming every 5 6 10 minutes. she said not to bother as long as they aren't really regular and painful. she said though if there was any bleeding i got to ring them immediately. other than that she just said take paracetamol and a hot bath :rotfl:
Oh im glad someone else is having these cramps!
i was laid in bed yesterday morning thinking i was about to go in labour or summat!! but like some of you have said, it happens after babys been quite active!!!
Yeah it is good to know you are not on your own!!

Baby has been really active today, much more than normal, and have had some annoying pains, the cramps don't seem to be going away but are not as sore as what they where through the night!

makes me feel a little more at ease knowing i'm not the only one, has given me the kick up the backside to pack my hospital bag though!! Gonna do it today as i am back at work on Sunday for 2 weeks before i finish up for maternity :D

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