Perfect sleeper turns into screeching monster @ 6 months


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Jakes sleeping pattern used to be perfect- bed between 8-9pm wake at 7-8am, never once woke in the night from 6 weeks old... until last Wednesday. Since then he has been waking up screaming every night. He had been suffering so badly with his teeth and on Friday he had an awful fever, didnt even last 12 hours though. He just screams when I put him to bed even though it is clear he is tired. Before I would let him cry for a bit and he would drift off... now he is fighting it all the way. He laughs when you go in his room too :roll:

Would calpol help? I dont like giving it just becaue...
Does he have a dummy or anything to soothe him? He could just be having a really big growth spurt, Clark had one a couple of weeks back and threw his lovely sleeping pattern into dissaray but now he is back to normal. I panicked at the time and gave him the extra hungry milk but it made him ill so now he's back on 1st milk! :roll:
Isaac's the same when his teeth are playing up :(
Tonight after an hour of trying to settle him, we got him back up to chew on allsorts for an hour, his red cheeks went down and he seemed better, put teething powders on for him and put him back to bed about 9.15pm. He wouldn't settle again, ended up going to bed with him and putting him in his cot at 1am, when he did stay asleep, finally.

I use Nurofen with Isaac, but I don't think its helping him much as he doesn't seem to be getting past it as quickly as he used to, I'm just hoping he gets A tooth soon, its so horrible is teething, I hate it, I can only imagine how painful and irritating it is for LO's :cry:
All I would say is that if he isn't settling after an hour, I would get him up, give him something to chew on, teething powders or bonjela etc then re-try him, because otherwise its just going to upset him and you :hug:
I do hope he feels better real soon Natalie :hug:

Your avatar piccie of him is gorgeous by the way :D :hug:

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