Judah wont sleep unless in our bed

mrs h

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hi everyone Judah is nearly 6 months old and for the past 3 and a half weeks he has been waking continously through the night and not settling unless he sleeps in our bed.
Up until this he was really good and would only wake up once or twice and just need his dummy putting back in and he would fall back to sleep on his own.
I was thinking it was teething but when he is in our bed he is quiet and doesnt cry but when i put him back in his cot he screams so i dont think it is that.
Has anyone any suggestions how to break this habit as i have had no sleep for over 3 weeks as its really hard sleeping whilst youre being kicked and punched by him in his sleep or listening to him snore!
rachaels the same but i like it.

however when hubby wants rumpy pumpy i lay her in hr moses basket on my pillow. she likes the smell you see. :)
smell tends to be great for soothing bubba.
as the girls have said, try putting someting you have been wearing all day with him. or carry a blanket around with you to lay him on.

i love alice being with me though! ive got her cot right up against our bed, and she tends to sleep with us from 4am ish onwards :) i find having the cot so close, i can just lean over and comfort her and she can hear / see me as we are so close.
Olivia goes in her cot around 730 pm and then comes in with us about 12/1 am, gives us time in between for some loving...... but hey it doesnt happen that much :lol:

I love waking up next to her in the morning, she smiles at me and giggles, really starts my day off well :D

But if its something you havnt done and if it isnt teething, which it may well be, I would suggest that he may be having nightmares and you could try putting one of your tops in like the others said :D
Thanks everyone for your replies i was feeling really guilty that i was letting my baby sleep in my bed as my health visitor says its so dangerous, and i was feelin like a bad mum but i didnt realise so many other mums sleep with their babies, and if im honest i know im gettin no sleep but i love the fact he loves cuddling and feels reassuredby being with me.
hey :hug: you are a fantastic mummy. don't ever think otherwise.

i do what makes me and alice happy. ive read both the pros and cons to her sleeping with us, and as tasha put it, waking up next to a smiling happy little bubba is the best feeling! plus, i was rasied sleeping in my parents bed and im fine :)

try giving the top thing a go. if you are breast feeding, my hv suggested a few drops of boobie milk on it might help. i can't think of any more tips, but if i do i will let you know :hug:

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