People's bl**dy comments!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Why can't people just refrain from making comments about the size of my bump? I went to the pub quiz in my local pub last night and throughout the evening got the following:

"April? Looks like you're about to drop tomorrow to me!"
"Are you sure it's not triplets?"
"Bl**dy hell you're massive!"

Why can't people just keep their mouths shut? I'm already paranoid about my biffbaby as it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:
should have just told them they are boring :rotfl: :rotfl:

Seriously tho it drives you nuts doesn't it :x
I used to get it all the time :roll:
I didn't show until I was 6 months and then balloned overnight. The amount of people who asked if it was twins when I said I'm wasn't due for 1-2-3 months, so annoying :x Also made me worry he would be really big. As it happens he was 4 weeks prem so only weighed 6lb 1.5oz :lol:
Drives you nuts!
Just say... I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat. Then they will look really embarrassed and you can have the last laugh ;)
I don't mind the comments too much, but I hate the stares. I keep getting women and some men just staring at my bump! It's rude! :shakehead:
my sister used to say 'he (or she) was born last month' and walk off lol. it gets annoying doesnt it. hopeing for your sake they see sense and shut up soon x
nasty people!

I get the opposite "are u sure u are 28 weeks? U look about 15 to me" :roll:

Oh and I had a fat guy staring at me in town the other day - so I spoke loudly to my mum when we went past "I must look fat today cos that guy just stared at me. At least I am pregnant, what is his excuse!" :lol: My mum was mortified

i get the opposite is annoying !

oh your way too small for 7 month, you should be bigger...are you feeding the baby...

your neat

you can't even tell you are pregnant unless you look close

Ginnymarie said:

i get the opposite is annoying !

oh your way too small for 7 month, you should be bigger...are you feeding the baby...

your neat

you can't even tell you are pregnant unless you look close


This is me too. Im getting fed up of telling my clients at work that someone else will be taking over my job in a few weeks. Then having to explain where im going.
I get fed up with people at work taking the p*ss about how I waddle when I walk. They should try walking with backache and sore hips :x

When I was pg with James people were always making comments about how small my bump was. One guy at work in particular whose wife was pregnant and about the same stage as me was always going on about how much bigger his wifes bump was :roll:
I get people making these comments too... People at work that I dont know that well or wouldnt talk to me normally feel compelled to tell me that I couldnt possible have another 10 weeks + to go or I must be carrying twins!! Its actually really rude I think and it did upset me.

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