People who have done weight watchers before...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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How long did it take before you started to notice a change? Like your clothes becoming looser?

And how much did you lose per week on average in the beginning? :)
the first week i lost 7lb... and then it slowed down to between 1/2lb and 3lb the weeks after

in total i lost 17lb in 2 months, then ruined it all and went on holiday :D
my mum noticed a change after the first week
My weight came of slowly, about 2lb a week but it did come of and I lost 2 stone. This was a few years ago. It came of my face and arms first, it was the clothes bit that came last but once it did, wow, it was great. I was 10st and got down to roughly 8. Then I got pg and the weight went tits up.

Im not doing w/w just now, there isnt a convenient class for me to go to but I am trying to loose weight, if oonly I could stay off the wine. You would think with 2 toddlers the weight would be jumping off me.

Is there a weight loss thread we could chart on.
lauramumof2 said:
My weight came of slowly, about 2lb a week but it did come of and I lost 2 stone. This was a few years ago. It came of my face and arms first, it was the clothes bit that came last but once it did, wow, it was great. I was 10st and got down to roughly 8. Then I got pg and the weight went tits up.

Im not doing w/w just now, there isnt a convenient class for me to go to but I am trying to loose weight, if oonly I could stay off the wine. You would think with 2 toddlers the weight would be jumping off me.

Is there a weight loss thread we could chart on.

Yeah theres about 4 weight loss threads but nobody ever replies in them so I make new ones :shhh: :lol:

I do weight watchers online, dont even have to leave the house! Been on it nearly a week now and it doesnt even feel like a diet. I actually enjoy working out my points :oops: and I even cooked yesterday :cheer:

I keep wondering how on earth Im gonna lose weight cos it seems like I've been eating all the time but its all within my points so it must be right :D

Tell you what though, my diet used to be absolutely disgusting, I cant believe how much rubbish I used to eat :shock:
hun i was the same all crap i used to eat but now its great i feel so much better after starting this diet :D
The first week I lost 11lb which was a huge confidence boost!!then 5lb then 4lb then after that between 2lb and 4lb. I also stayed the same some weeks. I started to notice about 2 weeks after I started but that was due to the dramatic weight loss!!I have to say its the best diet ever!!
i did weight watchers a few ago now but i lost 50lb in total in 5 ish months on average i lost 2lb per week and i lost every week.
i complety stayed away from chocolate but as for the rest i ate what my points allowd i found myself eating chinese still and maccie ds all i did was stay within my points. im starting again on sunday and i hope to lose 6 stone in total but will be taking it bit by bit my first goal is to lose 7lb by the time i go on holiday in oct..
Does anybody know how to work out how many points you need to be on?
Thanks x
look through some of the weight watchers threads theres a quiz 2 find out

i lost 7lb in 1st week
and 17.5lb all together but im on hols atm in france and i dnt care what im eating so ill probs put on a few lbs oh well i wont go back till its gone :p
Its amazing when you actually work out the points of things, you realise how much you really did eat. I could blow a whole days points with a visit to Macdonalds an it wasnt a substantial meal.

Im not saying I wont go back but I will build it into my eating plan.

Im not doing w.w just now but im trying to get back into it. My problem isnt so much loosing the weight but the saggy baggy tummy thats left over. Loosing weight just makes it flabbier.

I use the scales in boots, every monday I weigh myself and im roughly 10lb 4. I always wearing my uniform so ive got the same clothes on.
lauramumof2 said:
Im not doing w.w just now but im trying to get back into it. My problem isnt so much loosing the weight but the saggy baggy tummy thats left over. Loosing weight just makes it flabbier.

Tell me about it! Mines gone even wobblier since I started ww cos Im not eating enough to fill it out :lol:

If you find out how to fix it let me know :wink:
lauramumof2 said:
Its amazing when you actually work out the points of things, you realise how much you really did eat. I could blow a whole days points with a visit to Macdonalds an it wasnt a substantial meal.

Im not saying I wont go back but I will build it into my eating plan.

Im not doing w.w just now but im trying to get back into it. My problem isnt so much loosing the weight but the saggy baggy tummy thats left over. Loosing weight just makes it flabbier.

I use the scales in boots, every monday I weigh myself and im roughly 10lb 4. I always wearing my uniform so ive got the same clothes on.
wow u weigh less than my riley :rotfl:
Becksss said:
lauramumof2 said:
Its amazing when you actually work out the points of things, you realise how much you really did eat. I could blow a whole days points with a visit to Macdonalds an it wasnt a substantial meal.

Im not saying I wont go back but I will build it into my eating plan.

Im not doing w.w just now but im trying to get back into it. My problem isnt so much loosing the weight but the saggy baggy tummy thats left over. Loosing weight just makes it flabbier.

I use the scales in boots, every monday I weigh myself and im roughly 10lb 4. I always wearing my uniform so ive got the same clothes on.
wow u weigh less than my riley :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
well done eagle eyes, I meant 10st 4lb.

Im going to bums to tone up. And yoga. Yoga is very deceptive, you dont think you are doing much but your muscles ache the next day.
Becksss said:
lauramumof2 said:
Its amazing when you actually work out the points of things, you realise how much you really did eat. I could blow a whole days points with a visit to Macdonalds an it wasnt a substantial meal.

Im not saying I wont go back but I will build it into my eating plan.

Im not doing w.w just now but im trying to get back into it. My problem isnt so much loosing the weight but the saggy baggy tummy thats left over. Loosing weight just makes it flabbier.

I use the scales in boots, every monday I weigh myself and im roughly 10lb 4. I always wearing my uniform so ive got the same clothes on.
wow u weigh less than my riley :rotfl:

I was just about to say that lol
Becksss said:
lauramumof2 said:
Its amazing when you actually work out the points of things, you realise how much you really did eat. I could blow a whole days points with a visit to Macdonalds an it wasnt a substantial meal.

Im not saying I wont go back but I will build it into my eating plan.

Im not doing w.w just now but im trying to get back into it. My problem isnt so much loosing the weight but the saggy baggy tummy thats left over. Loosing weight just makes it flabbier.

I use the scales in boots, every monday I weigh myself and im roughly 10lb 4. I always wearing my uniform so ive got the same clothes on.
wow u weigh less than my riley :rotfl:

I was just about to say that lol

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